- November 16: Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Part F Regional AIDS Education and Training 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. ET. HIV/AIDS Bureau’s Office of Program Support technical assistance webinar for funding opportunity announcement HRSA-24-059*, for the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program (RWHAP). Funding under this announcement will support eight (8) regional AETCs. Each regional AETC will provide training and technical assistance to the health care workforce, health care organizations, faculty responsible for training students enrolled at health professions programs, and instructors in health-related organizations that manage programs for health professional students. As part of this NOFO, applicants will be able to request funding for the AETC base program, Minority AIDS Initiative (MAI) and the Ending the HIV Epidemic in the U.S. Initiative (EHE).
- In Case You Missed It: Surveillance Status Report Webinar November 2 on the newly released 2022 Viral Hepatitis Surveillance Status Report! In case you missed it, HepVu and NASTAD held a free public webinar on November 2 on the newly released 2022 Viral Hepatitis Surveillance Status Report!
- You can also use our viral hepatitis surveillance status report launch toolkit containing sample social media, infographics, and other resources to share this report.
November 2023
- Southeast AIDS Education & Training Center (SE AETC)*
- Apply Today – Activities begin November 2023!* (TAP-in series) Want to Build a Strong Foundation for Housing for People with HIV in your Jurisdiction?* Join Cohort 2 of the Housing as Healthcare Learning Community! Over 14 months, participants from select EHE jurisdictions funded by HRSA HAB will learn from each other and foster a community committed to building local partnerships, leveraging and aligning funds to increase housing opportunities and assistance, and improving the health outcomes for people with HIV (PWH) in their jurisdictions.
- November 29: Please join HRSA’s HIV/AIDS Bureau (HAB) for our next HAB You Heard webinar on Wednesday, November 29, from 3:00-4:00 PM ET. During this monthly update from HAB, we will highlight the two-year anniversary of Policy Clarification Notice (PCN) 21-02 and share how recipients and subrecipients have used the flexibilities in the PCN to improve client access to Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program (RWHAP) services. In addition, we will discuss the newly launched 2024 National Ryan White Conference abstract submission process, highlight National Rural Health Day and recognize our rural RWHAP providers, share upcoming World AIDS Day commemoration activities, and spotlight three RWHAP recipients. This webinar is open to all RWHAP recipients, subrecipients, stakeholders, and federal staff. Registration is required.
Register to participate.
December 2023
- Southeast AIDS Education & Training Center (SE AETC)*
- December 1: MCM Basic Counseling: Motivational Interviewing by Sarah S. Gainey, MSW, LISW-CP/S
- December 1: Miami’s 4th Annual Ending the HIV Epidemic Conference: Right Data, Right Tools, Right Leadership
- December 6: Tennessee Department of Health Hepatitis C Virus Project ECHO
- December 14: MCM_HIV 101 by Sabra S. Custer, DNP, MS, FNP-BC, AAHIVS
- December 15: MCM_HIV 201 by Sabra S. Custer, DNP, MS, FNP-BC, AAHIVS
On Demand Training & Ongoing Programs
- HRSA Office of Women’s Health Archived Webinars*
- New Resources to Improve Cervical Cancer Prevention, Screening, and Management
- Overview of the 2023-2025 HRSA Strategy to Address Intimate Partner Violence (IPV)
- Health HIV Medical Education Webinar: Opportunities and Strategies to Optimize PrEP Uptake in Key Communities* (CE available through March 21, 2023) PrEP continues to be underused by people who could benefit from it, especially those who face health disparities. Of the 1.2 million people in the U.S. who can benefit from taking PrEP, only about 23% have used PrEP. Data on PrEP coverage shows that racial/ethnic minorities, sexual minorities, youth, and women access PrEP at even lower rates. The interactive live webinar will feature perspectives of multiple diverse HIV prevention experts on PrEP uptake among relevant consumer/patient communities, including Black women, same-gender-loving (SGL) Black and Latinx men, and transgender individuals. Presenters will consider both challenges and opportunities for PrEP use among these communities, specific access issues, and strategies and model practices for providers and healthcare teams to address the unique barriers.
- Legal Services of Greater Miami, Inc. Programs*
- Tenants’ Equal Justice Clinic (Hybrid – Remote / Zoom) Monday – Thursday, 1:30 PM – 4:30 PM – Designed for volunteer attorneys to give free legal advice to low-income individuals whose landlord has not returned a security deposit or clients who are living in unsuitable, unsafe or unhealthy living conditions. Attorneys assist with initiating pro se Small Claims Court case or drafting letters to assist the client in curing legal issues that impede stable housing or habitability. Types of cases: Security Deposit; Prohibited Practices.
- Consumer Equal Justice Clinic (Hybrid – Remote / Zoom) Monday and Wednesday, 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM – Attorneys will give free legal advice and brief service to low-income individuals who face abusive debt collection problems. The clinic will see clients who are being sued and clients who have not yet been sued. Types of cases: Collection issues for credit card debt; Medical debt; Auto loan deficiencies; Collector harassment; Identity theft fraud; Credit reporting errors; and Student loan debt issues.
- Space Is Limited and Registration Is Required. Apply online anytime: www.legalservicesmiami.org; Apply by phone: (305) 576-0080
- Test Your HIV Management Skills Across the Spectrum of Care: From Newly Diagnosed to Aging Patients With HIV* Free CE/CME Available (Expiration Date: October 28, 2022) This activity is jointly provided by Postgraduate Institute for Medicine and Integritas Communications. This activity is intended for infectious disease and HIV specialists related to HIV clinical management skills, with the overall goal of the program to improve the care of patients with HIV.
- QuizTime: SE AETC Ending the HIV Epidemic (EHE) in the US through Diagnosis, Prevention, and Treatment* This 20-question QuizTime course is designed to enhance medical knowledge about HIV diagnosis and prevention to assist in ending the HIV epidemic throughout the Southeast region of the U.S. Those who are eligible will receive 4.0 AMA PRA Category 1 CME credits upon completion of this quiz (you must engage with at least 80% of the questions). Those who are eligible will receive 4.0 AMA PRA Category 1 CME credits upon completion of this quiz (you must engage with at least 80% of the questions).
- HealthHIV is pleased to announce that the HIV Prevention Certified Provider (HIV PCP) program* is expanded to become a Certification Program. HealthHIV’s HIV Prevention Certified Provider Certification Program™ consists of a free, online, self-paced curriculum comprised of eight free e-learning modules in HIV prevention. The program offers the following credit types: CME, MOC, NCPD, CPE, and IPCE. Upon completion, participants receive the HealthHIV HIV Prevention Certified Provider Certification™ and a listing in the national HIV PCP Directory. The program features 8 modules: Module 1: HIV Prevention: Epidemiology, Interventions and Strategies; Module 2: HIV Testing and Assessing Risk for Short Behavioral Intervention and Referral; Module 3: Maintaining Serostatus Negative and Viral Suppression: Preventing HIV Acquisition and Transmission; Module 4: Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) Clinical; Module 5: Enhancing Cultural Humility and Understanding Barriers to Care; Module 6: PrEP Adherence Part 1; Module 7: PrEP Adherence Part 2; and Module 8: TelePrEP Services: Improving PrEP Access
- The HIV Prevention–Certified Provider Program: A Training and Certificate Program Designed to Improve Competencies and Expand the HIV Prevention Workforce* (HealthHIV cross-post) (CME/CE Available) This activity has been designed to meet the educational needs of infectious disease specialists, internists, primary care physicians, nurses, pharmacists, and other clinicians involved in the care of patients at risk of acquiring or transmitting HIV. Topics: Early HIV Detection; Treatment With ART; HIV Transmission Risk and Epidemiology; HIV Prevention Strategies; Post-Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP); Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP); Discussing Sexual History; PrEP Guidance and Management; PrEP Eligibility and Efficacy; PrEP Safety; Paying for PrEP; Components of Medication Adherence Counseling.
- Aging with HIV Roundtable: A New On-Demand Resource from Pozitively Aging (HealthHIV) YouTube recording from SYNC2021. This in-depth discussion brings together experts on aging with HIV to review and reflect upon the current capacity and future constraints of the HIV and aging care and prevention services sectors. The roundtable participants—community leaders, providers, and those aging with HIV for 15 or more years—discuss and frame their shared experience conversations into adaptive and innovative recommendations and evidence-based interventions that reduce disability and improve service delivery for people aging with HIV.
- Ongoing through November 14, 2022: Addressing Social Determinants of Health, Stigma, and Disparities in HIV Outcomes* Intended Audience: HIV prevention and treatment team members-including physicians, NPs/PAs, pharmacists, nurses, and case managers-in infectious disease and primary care settings (1 hour online course)
- Free TLBGQ+ Proficiency Training and Trauma Informed/Patient Centered-Care Training to doctor’s offices and other social service providers by TransSocial* and Moving Forward Wellness Coaching*. TransSOCIAL’s award-winning 90 minute virtual training on TLGBQ+ Cultural Sensitivity, covering terminology, history, lived experience and ally-ship, with Coach Kitty of Moving Forward Wellness Coaching to focus on how to provide Trauma-informed, Patient-centered care. Contact [email protected] or (313) 516-5604 for details.
- An Introduction to Integrated HIV Prevention and Care Planning* Integrated HIV/AIDS Planning Technical Assistance Center (IHAP TAC) online course.
- “Salud es Vida” (Health is Life)
- Ocurrirá todos los primeros viernes de cada mes a las 6:00 pm ETS, a partir del 2 de abril – La Comisión Latina sobre el SIDA* está lanzando “Salud es Vida” una nueva iniciativa educativa virtual nacional para comunidades de habla hispana afectadas por el VIH en los Estados Unidos, Puerto Rico y las Islas Vírgenes estadounidenses. El objetivo es proporcionar a sus miembros información actualizada sobre temas relacionados con el VIH.
- Every first Friday of each month at 6pm EST, starting on April 2 – The Latino Commission on AIDS* is launching “Salud es Vida” (Health is Life) a new national virtual educational initiative for Spanish-speaking communities impacted by HIV throughout the United States, Puerto Rico, and U.S. Virgin Islands. The goal is to provide its members with current information on HIV-related topics.
- Contact Aracelis Quinones, [email protected] or Luis Mares [email protected]
- Florida’s Assistive Technology Program (FAAST) offers free webinars on different types of assistive technology for different needs, including: Low Tech Computer Access; Aids for Daily Living; AT to Promote Independence: School and Assistive Technology Needs; High Tech Computer Access; Alexa Show- Useful Features for Therapists, Caregivers, and Individuals with disabilities; High Tech Aids for Daily Living
Archived Webinars and Training Resources
- Examining Housing Instability and Care Outcomes among Women Living with HIV Presented by Dr. Sofia Fernandez, Assistant Professor, School of Social Work, Robert Stempel College of Public Health & Social Work. Presented on October 29, 2022
- Miami-Dade County Ryan White Program Monthly Research Symposium Provided by Florida International University and Behavioral Science Research to explore findings from FIU/BSR research studies drawn from Ryan White Program client interviews and client data analyses.
- Lessons learned about access to HIV care at the height of the COVID-19 Pandemic ⇐ Click for the complete June 22 presentation.
- Challenges Experienced by Ryan White Program Clients During COVID ⇐ Click for the complete July 20 presentation.
- Effective Women Centered Care Practices from Ryan White Program Client and Provider Perspectives ⇐ Click for the complete August 31 presentation.
- Barriers to Adherence and Retention in HIV Care Among Women ⇐ Click for the complete September 21 presentation.
- Aging With HIV Institute and Roundtable* (HealthHIV) This roundtable brought together experts living and aging with HIV (15 years or more) to review and reflect upon the current capacity and future constraints of the HIV and aging care and prevention services sectors, and the discrete needs that follow. Together with community leaders, provider participants discussed and framed their shared experience conversations into adaptive and innovative recommendations and evidence-based interventions that reduce disability and improve service delivery for people aging with HIV.
- PrEP for All Ages*: Considerations for PCPs in Private and Public Healthcare Settings, December 15, 2021 (HealthHIV Medical Education Webinar)
- The Updated National HIV/AIDS Strategy: What’s New and What’s Next?* White House Office of National AIDS Policy (ONAP) webinar on YouTube.
- Office of Women’s Health (OWH) Webinar Recordings*
- Heart Healthy Women: Supporting Women’s Unique Cardiovascular Health Needs, co-sponsored by the HRSA Office of Women’s Health and the HRSA Office of Regional Operations – Region IX
- Addressing the Unique Needs of Black Women with HIV, co-hosted by the HRSA Office of Women’s Health and the HRSA HIV/AIDS Bureau (HAB)
- New Cervical Cancer Guidelines for Screening and Management during COVID‐19 and Beyond, hosted by the HRSA Office of Women’s Health with guest speakers Rebecca Perkins, MD of Boston Medical Center, and Sue Ghosh, MD of East Boston Neighborhood Health Center.
- Navigating Care for Women with Opioids Use Disorder, hosted by the HRSA Office of Women’s Health
- Sheltering in Place, Intimate Partner Violence, and the Healthcare Response, hosted by the HRSA Office of Women’s Health, in partnership with HRSA Office of Regional Operations – Region IX, and the Administration for Children and Families, Family Violence and Prevention Services Program.
- Webinar: State Approaches to Improving Health through Housing National Academy for State Health Policy webinar: During this webinar, state speakers describe how they have used their policy levers to improve health and housing for individuals experiencing homelessness or housing instability and those transitioning out of institutions.
- OptumHealth™ Virtual Continuing Education (CE) Program Meet your CE requirements remotely with OptumHealth™ Education — 100 hours of free, on-demand, interprofessional education accredited for continuing medical education/ continuing education units (CME/CEU).
- Stigma Reduction Handbook, Videos and Lessons
- Enroll in the Cultural Humility Online Curriculum
- Tackling HIV Stigma: Solutions from Patients and Providers This accredited activity is designed to guide healthcare professionals in developing action plans to alleviate stigma in their own practice settings in order to improve engagement and retention in HIV treatment and prevention services. Intended Audience: HIV Clinical Teams Including Infection Disease Physicians, Primary Care Physicians, NPs, PAs, Nurses, Pharmacists, and Case Managers
- Webinar: COVID-19 and Medical Mistrust in the Black Community Objectives Outline the history of medical mistreatment of Black Americans; Review the ways this history exacerbates Black health disparities; Discuss ways to combat the negative effects of medical mistrust for better uptake of biomedical interventions in Black communities.
- AETC Webinar: Painkillers: Part I: The Legal Ones
- Webinar on Medical Mistrust in the Black Community
- COVID-19 Updates for HIV Providers: Capturing the Opportunity – Advanced Care Planning in the Time of COVID. Download and view the webinar, facilitated by Jessica McFarlin, MD, University of Kentucky, Associate Professor, Department of Neurology, May 26, 2020
- QuizTime: Ending the HIV Epidemic with PrEP in 2020. QuizTime is an app developed by Vanderbilt University Medical Center, designed to help busy clinicians obtain CME. (through June 30)
- COVID-19 QuizTime AETC activity for clinical providers (CME Credits available)
- Telehealth & COVID-19 Implications for HIV Care & Treatment (HealthHIV On Demand webcast)
- TargetHIV Calendar – Tools for HRSA’s Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program*
- Online Course on PrEP Counseling for Transgender and Gender Non-Binary Clients*
- Training on PrEP and Young Black MSM (Technical Assistance)*
- ARTAS for Managers Series: Supporting the success of your linkage to care programs*
- Live Webinars from Clinical Care Options’ Contemporary Management of HIV Series – Complimentary, CME/CE-Certified, Interactive Webinars on HIV Management*
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Click here for details on posting to AIDSNET and the Community Newsletter.
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EVENTS page for more exciting and enriching opportunities!
On-Demand &
Ongoing Programs
Tools for HRSA’s Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program
Recent Webinar Archives
Southeast AIDS Education & Training Centers Program
Recent Webinar Archives
This page includes links to Ryan White Program and non-Ryan White Program funded services. Please contact your Medical Case Manager with questions about Ryan White Program eligibility.
By clicking links marked by an asterisk (*), you acknowledge you are leaving AIDSNET.org. We are not responsible for the content on these web sites.