HIV News and Resources
Effective immediately and until further notice, the contents of these web pages are under review to comply with federal Executive Orders. This website may be updated further in the event the County receives a directive to do so from HRSA.

News, Information, and More for People with HIV and People Who Care for People with HIV
Community Newsletter
Drug and Alcohol Recovery
Grants and Scholarships
HIV Awareness Days
HIV Testing
Housing Resources
Jobs & Volunteering
LGB Resources
Other Local, State and Federal Assistance
Prevention - PrEP, PEP and nPEP
Support Groups and Group Activities
Surveys and Studies
Recursos En Español
Webinars and Training
Women, Families and Students
Newsletter Submissions
Community Newsletter
The Partnership’s Community Newsletter, Your biweekly bulletin board for HIV news and resources in Miami-Dade County, is distributed to more than 1,500 community members. All items listed in Community Newsletter are linked to this page or other pages within this website. Do you have news or resources to share? Click here for details on how to share your news through Community Newsletter. Click below for recent editions. Please note, links to dated items may have been removed.
Drug and Alcohol Recovery
Florida's State Opioid Response Project (DCF)
Florida’s State Opioid Response (SOR) Project is a federal grant administered through the Florida Department of Children and Families. Florida’s SOR project implements a comprehensive approach to addressing opioid and stimulant misuse, disorders, and overdoses. The populations of focus are uninsured and underinsured individuals who misuse stimulants (including cocaine, methamphetamine, and prescription stimulants) or opioids, and individuals diagnosed with an opioid or stimulant use disorder. The overarching goal of the project is to reduce numbers and rates of opioid-caused deaths. A major objective is to increase access to the most effective treatments for opioid and stimulant use disorders, including increased admissions to buprenorphine or methadone maintenance treatment. . . .
I Save FL - Resources for people who misuse drugs and for their loved ones
Learn more about Florida’s resources for people who misuse drugs and for their loved ones.
Free Naloxone
November 2, 2022: Miami, Fla. – The Florida Department of Health in Miami-Dade County (DOH-Miami-Dade) is announcing the availability of free Naloxone (Narcan) Nasal Spray kits. This lifesaving medication could reduce thousands of substance abuse deaths across the state. Naloxone is available to people who use drugs, people with a history of drug use, others at risk of experiencing an overdose, friends, family members, and others who may witness an overdose. Kits consist of two Naloxone nasal sprays that are administered even without a health care professional present . . . Contact: Office of Communication, (786) 336-1276.
Fentanyl FAQs

Florida Department of Children and Families Public Safety Alert: Fentanyl Kills – Signs of overdoes; what to do; where to get help.
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Additional Resources
Intersection Between Substance Use Disorder & HIV
Crosspost from By: Ranier Simons, ADAP Blog Guest Contributor. Drug use and drug abuse intersect many aspects of the health journey of substance users and those with substance use disorders. This includes HIV. The complex intersection of HIV and drug use affects HIV acquisition, treatment, and spread. To create solutions with the goal of better health outcomes for those dealing with HIV and substance abuse issues, it is necessary to research and understand how drug use affects the HIV trajectory. It is equally important to understand the barriers in place that hinder effective outreach and care. . .
SAMHSA Resources
New SAMHSA Guide Highlights HIV Prevention and Treatment for People with Substance Use and/or Mental Disorders* The HHS Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) has released Prevention and Treatment of HIV Among People Living with Substance Use and/or Mental Disorders, a guidebook that addresses the co-occurrence of HIV and mental illness and/or substance use disorder and reviews effective programs and practices to prevent HIV and, for those with HIV, to increase linkage and retention to care in order to improve health outcomes. (February 2021)
Substance Use Prevention Toolkits
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New Dates! March 31-April 2, 2025: AIDSWatch 2025 (AIDS United)
For 32 years, AIDSWatch* has been more than a conference—it’s a force for change. From the halls of Congress to community centers, AIDSWatch has amplified voices, ignited policy shifts, and transformed lives. We are eager to once again welcome you to Washington, D.C.
April 30: FDOH Speed Networking
To continue improve our referral networks and facilitate the implementation of a Status Neutral Approach which addresses our clients’ needs for holistic services and support their engagement in HIV prevention and care, the Florida Department of Health in Miami-Dade and the Miami-Dade Ryan White Program are hosting another Speed Networking event for Medical Case Managers, Social Service Providers, HIV Test Counselor and Outreach Workers.
Our next event will take place on Wednesday, April 30th, 1:00-3:00pm at the Health District Center, 1350 NW 14th St, Conference Room 401B, Miami FL 33125. Parking garage entrance is off NW 13th Ct. Coffee and afternoon snacks will be provided. Please note that in 2025 we will only be hosting two Referral Improvement Speed Networking events, this one and a second one in Q3.
For these networking events to be successful we must have the right complement of Medical Case Managers/Social Service Providers and HIV Test Counselors/Outreach Workers. Please identify the appropriate staff members to participate in this event and have each of them fill out our questionnaire. Once all applications are reviewed, we will let them know who has been selected to attend – follow this link:
Space for this event is limited to 30 participants. We will prepare a personalized packet for each participant based on their responses. Please do not show up if you were not selected to attend. And know that if you are selected to attend, we are counting on your presence, please be on time.
Please reply through the link or QR code above no later than Tuesday, April 15th.
June 10-12, 2025: Continuum 2025 – International Association of Providers of AIDS Care (IAPAC)
The Continuum 2025 conference*, scheduled for June 10-12, 2025, in San Juan, PR, will bring together clinical, behavioral, social science, and community experts in HIV prevention, treatment, and care under the theme, Reframing HIV Care. The 20th anniversary conference will highlight the latest evidence, strategies, and innovations in the field of HIV care with the aim of promoting collaboration among clinicians, researchers, policymakers, and community advocates.
July 14-25, 2025: Virtual 33rd Annual Principles of STI/HIV Research and Public Health Practice Course
Principles of STI/HIV Research and Public Health Practice Course *
The University of Washington Department of Global Health, the UW/Fred Hutch Center for AIDS Research (CFAR), and UW Center for AIDS and STD (CFAS) are pleased to announce that planning for the 33rd Annual Principles of STI/HIV Research and Public Health Practice Course is underway! The online course format provides exciting opportunities to engage with leading experts and peers in the fields of STI and HIV.
The course will be held July 14 – July 25 for 3 hours daily, Monday-Friday.
Applications for the virtual course will open March 2025.
Grants and Scholarships
HIV/AIDS Bureau Announcement of Funding Opportunities
The HIV/AIDS Bureau thanks our Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program community for your participation in the February HAB You Heard webinar* on February 26. During the webinar, several resources and funding opportunities were discussed. Below are a list of resources shared during last week’s webinar:
- Ryan White Program 2030* (RWP 2030) and RWP 2030 letter*
- Funding Opportunity: Street Medicine Interventions for People with HIV Who Are Unsheltered – Capacity Building Provider (HRSA-25-055)*
- Funding Opportunity: Street Medicine Interventions for People with HIV Who Are Unsheltered – Evaluation Provider (HRSA-25-057)*
- Funding Opportunity: Street Medicine Interventions for People with HIV Who Are Unsheltered – Demonstration Sites (HRSA-25-056)*
- Funding Opportunity: Addressing Stigma to End the HIV Epidemic in the U.S. (HRSA-25-060)*
- Funding Opportunity: Improving Mental Health and Engagement in Care Among People with HIV – Implementation Technical Assistance Provider (HRSA-25-058)*
- Funding Opportunity: Improving Mental Health and Engagement in Care Among People with HIV – Evaluation Provider (HRSA-25-059)*
- Funding Opportunity: Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program (RWHAP) Web-Based Platform for HIV Tools and Resources (HRSA-25-062)*
- Funding Opportunity: Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Part B States/Territories Supplemental Grant Program (HRSA-25-059)*
- Funding Opportunity: Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program (RWHAP) Part C – Capacity Development Program (HRSA-25-049)*
- Funding Opportunity: Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program (RWHAP) Part F Dental Reimbursement Program (HRSA-25-051)*
- Housing and HIV-Related Health Care Outcomes Among HRSA’s Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program (RWHAP) Clients in 2023 Infographic*
Miami-Dade County Housing and Community Development (HCD) Grants (Deadline March 24, 2025)
- Miami-Dade County Housing and Community Development (HCD) Home Investment Partnerships (HOME) Program* The purpose of this program is to expand the supply of decent and affordable housing for low- and very-low income individuals; strengthen the abilities of State and local governments to design and implement strategies for achieving adequate supplies of decent affordable housing; provide both financial and technical assistance to participating jurisdictions (entitlement areas) including the development of model programs of affordable housing for very-low and low-income families; and expand and strengthen partnerships among all levels of government and the private sector, including for-profit and not-for-profit organizations, in the production and operation of affordable housing. Eligibility is limited to Community Housing Development Organizations (CHDOs). All CHDOs must be certified by Miami-Dade County Housing and Community Development (HCD) before funds are awarded; not-for-profit organizations; private/for-profit organizations (including partnerships and sole proprietorships); and Community Land Trusts (CLT). Award Ceiling: N/A. Deadline Date: 2025-03-24
- Miami-Dade County Housing and Community Development (HCD) Community Development Block Grant (CDBG)* The purpose of this program is to provide support for projects to address high priority needs identified by Miami-Dade County residents and stakeholders as stated in the 2025-2029 Consolidated Plan. Eligibility is limited to not-for-profit Community-Based Organizations (CBOs), Community Development Corporations (CDCs), Community-Based Development Organizations (CBDOs), developers, Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFIs), and Community Land Trusts and Faith-based organizations. Funding eligibility criteria may vary by category. Applicants should refer to specific requirements and/or restrictions for each funding category as set forth in the Request for Applications (RFA) document. Award Ceiling: N/A. Deadline Date: 2025-03-24
- Miami-Dade County Housing and Community Development (HCD) Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG)* The purpose of this program is to support Rapid Rehousing for individuals or families experiencing homelessness, including those with low or no income, disabilities, or poor rental history. Services provided must be tailored to the unique needs of the household, but must include housing navigation, rent and move in assistance, and case management and services. Funding awarded for housing and services must be utilized by eligible program participants residing in Miami-Dade County. Eligibility requirements are detailed in the Request for Applications (RFA) document. Award Ceiling: N/A. Deadline Date: 2025-03-24
HHS NIH Role of T-Cells in HIV CNS Reservoir Seeding, Persistence, and Neuropathogenesis (Deadline May 9, 2025)
The purpose of this program is to support research to define the mechanisms and roles of T-cells in HIV/CNS (central nervous system) reservoir seeding, persistence and neuropathogenesis. Eligibility is limited to city, township, county, special district, and state governments; Native American tribal governments and organizations; independent school districts; private, public, and state controlled institutions of higher education; nonprofits; for-profit organizations; small businesses; public/Indian housing authorities; eligible agencies of the federal government; U.S. Territory or Possession; faith-based or community-based organizations; regional organizations; non-domestic (non-U.S.) entities (foreign institutions); non-domestic (non-U.S.) components of U.S. organizations; and foreign components, as defined in the NIH Grants Policy Statement. Award Ceiling: N/A.
Deadline Date: 2025-03-18
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Deadlines 2026 through 2028
HHS NIH NLM Information Resource Grants to Reduce Health Disparities and Promote Health Equity (Deadline May 25, 2026)
The purpose of this program is to support the development of resources that can be used to improve health and well-being and that lead to reductions in health disparities. Eligibility is limited to city, township, county, special district, and state governments; Native American tribal governments and organizations; independent school districts; private, public, and state controlled institutions of higher education; nonprofits; for-profit organizations; small businesses; public/Indian housing authorities; eligible agencies of the federal government; U.S. Territory or Possession; faith-based or community-based organizations; and regional organizations. Award Ceiling: $200,000.
Deadline Date: 2026-05-25
NIH Funding Opportunities Focused on Multidisciplinary Studies of HIV and Aging (Submission dates through February 5, 2027)
View the R01 NOFO* or view the R21 NOFO.*
NIH has issued a pair of NOFOs that invite applications at the intersection of HIV and aging that propose research that aims to meet the following objectives:
- Improve the understanding of biological, clinical, and socio-behavioral aspects of aging through the lens of HIV infection and its treatment; and
- Improve approaches for testing, preventing, and treating HIV infection and managing HIV-related comorbidities, co-infections, and complications in different populations and cultural settings by applying current aging science approaches.
Supporting multidisciplinary studies of HIV and aging is consistent with the mission of multiple NIH Institutes, Centers, and Offices (ICOs). Ten ICOs are supporting this NOFO, each with its own specific research interests to which researchers can tailor applications.
The earliest application submission date is May 5, 2024.
HHS NIH NLM Information Resource Grants to Reduce Health Disparities and Promote Health Equity (Deadline January 7, 2028)
The purpose of this program is to support the investigation of HIV-1 Envelope (Env) cell surface expression, the structural mechanism of biologic-mediated cell killing, and the development of novel approaches to enhance the recognition and elimination of Env-expressing, HIV-1 infected cells. Eligibility is limited to city, township, county, special district, and state governments; Native American tribal governments and organizations; independent school districts; private, public, and state controlled institutions of higher education; nonprofits; for-profit organizations; small businesses; public/Indian housing authorities; eligible agencies of the federal government; U.S. Territory or Possession; faith-based or community-based organizations; regional organizations; non-domestic (non-U.S.) entities (foreign institutions); non-domestic (non-U.S.) components of U.S. organizations; and foreign components, as defined in the NIH Grants Policy Statement. Award Ceiling: N/A.
Deadline Date: 2028-01-07
HHS NIH Advancing Healthcare for Older Adults from Populations that Experience Health Disparities (Deadline January 7, 2028)
The purpose of this program is to advance the science and implementation of innovative multi-level health care research for older adults from populations that experience health disparities. The initiative will support research designed to gain a better understanding of appropriate screening, diagnostic, and clinical care guidelines in a primary care setting, explore shared decision-making that is needed to enhance care planning and patient agency between clinicians and care teams with the older adult and their caregiver(s), and identify effective strategies for care coordination. Eligibility is limited to city, township, county, special district, and state governments; Native American tribal governments and organizations; independent school districts; private, public, and state controlled institutions of higher education; nonprofits; for-profit organizations; small businesses; public/Indian housing authorities; U.S. Territory or Possession; faith-based or community-based organizations; and regional organizations. Award Ceiling: N/A.
Deadline Date: 2028-01-07
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As part of the Office of Grants’ efforts to modernize,* recently debuted a new search feature to connect users with the right funding opportunities. To help applicants and grantors better understand the new feature, and the Council on Federal Financial Assistance hosted a “Big Demo” on January 15.
You can access the recording, which showcases the new search feature and updates to the opportunity listing page. It also provides a helpful preview of upcoming additions, including features users have been asking for, like ways to simplify account creation and streamline the application process.
How to Determine Eligibility for Federal Funding Opportunities
Telehealth Funding Opportunities
Funding opportunities for telehealth and broadband related programs.* shares funding opportunities for telehealth and other broadband-related programs. Browse opportunities by expiration date, eligibility, and more.*
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University of Washington Infectious Diseases Education & Assessment (IDEA) Program - New Podcasts and Mini Lectures
National HIV Curriculum
- NEW National HIV Curriculum Podcast episodes explore practice-changing issues and updates in HIV diagnosis, management, and prevention through case discussions, expert interviews, and literature reviews:
- Switching ART Regimens: A Discussion – Expert Interview
- Disseminated MAC: Evaluation and Management – Case Discussion
- Initial ART Regimens Considerations: A Discussion – Expert Interview
- Implementation of the New HHS Anal Cancer Screening Guidelines – Expert Interview
- Pneumocystis Pneumonia: Management – Case Discussion
- The ANCHOR Study: Does Treatment of Anal HSIL Prevent Anal Cancer? – Literature Review
National HIV PrEP Curriculum
- New Clinician’s Information Guide: Doxy PEP for STI Prevention helps health care professionals implement CDC’s June 2024 guidelines on the use of doxycycline postexposure prophylaxis (doxy PEP).
National STD Curriculum
- NEW National STD Curriculum Podcast episodes explore innovative and significant STD issues and discuss the clinical implications through conference summaries, expert interviews, and literature reviews:
- Syphilis: Immune Response & Vaccine Development – Expert Interview
- IDWeek 2024: Mpox Updates – Conference Summary
- Syphilis: A 2024 Update – Literature Review
- Antimicrobial Resistance in STI Pathogens – Expert Interview
- STI Diagnostic Testing Options & Implementation – Expert Interview
- New Clinician’s Information Guide: Doxy PEP for STI Prevention helps health care professionals implement CDC’s June 2024 guidelines on the use of doxycycline postexposure prophylaxis (doxy PEP).
Hepatitis C Online
- NEW Hepatitis C Online Mini-Lectures where national experts discuss clinically relevant topics:
Posted March 7, 2025
New Ryan White Program 2030 Webpage
HRSA’s HIV/AIDS Bureau has launched a new webpage dedicated to information about Ryan White Program 2030. In April 2024, HRSA announced the Ryan White Program 2030, which builds off the foundation of the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program and the innovative strategies from the first four years of the federal Ending the HIV Epidemic in the U.S. initiative.
Ryan White Program 2030 calls on the HIV community to continue to care for those in the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program while we also prioritize efforts to reach people with HIV who are out of care and not virally suppressed by leveraging partnerships, focusing interventions, and engaging community to end the HIV epidemic in the U.S.
Posted November 2024
2024 HIV Language Guide and Quick Tips

Click for the complete HIV Language Guide. See Quick Tips, below.
Using Telehealth to Expand Access to HIV Care
Using telehealth to expand access to HIV care
Crosspost from
People with HIV can receive care remotely from providers who specialize in HIV care.

People who receive an HIV diagnosis should begin treatment as soon as possible. They should receive comprehensive primary care from experienced, knowledgeable providers. Telehealth is a strategy to support quick initiation of HIV treatment. . .
90.6% Viral Suppression! 2023 Ryan White Program By the Numbers
Update to the Guidelines for the Prevention and Treatment of Opportunistic Infections in Adults and Adolescents With HIV
The Guidelines for the Prevention and Treatment of Opportunistic Infections in Adults and Adolescents With HIV* have been updated. Highlights from the updated sections are summarized in the blogpost: Update to the Guidelines for the Prevention and Treatment of Opportunistic Infections in Adults and Adolescents With HIV |*
Posted November 2024
Summary of the 2022-2026 Integrated HIV Prevention and Care Plans
CDC Releases 2023 STI Surveillance Report
CDC Releases 2023 STI Surveillance Report*
Content From: Bradley Stoner, MD, PhD, Director, Division of STD Prevention, National Center for HIV, Viral Hepatitis, STD, and TB Prevention, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Published: November 13, 2024
Addressing the Intersection of Domestic Violence & HIV/AIDS / Trabajando en la Intersección de la Violencia Doméstica y el VIH/SIDA
Syphilis Is a Public Health Priority
Syphilis Is a Public Health Priority* Content From: ADM Rachel L. Levine, M.D., Assistant Secretary for Health, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Summary: Syphilis is surging in the U.S. During STI Awareness Week, help spread the word about the importance of syphilis prevention, testing, and treatment.
Posted April 2024
Miami‐Dade County Profiles - American Community Survey - Economic, Social, Housing, and Demographic Characteristics
Celebrating Over 100 Ryan White Best Practices
In Miami!
Test & Treat Rapid Access Program* Through the Test & Treat Rapid Access (TTRA) Program, clients with a new HIV diagnosis in Miami-Dade County can access ART, receive other services and counseling, start enrolling in RWHAP, and connect to HIV primary care during the initial visit. At Borinquen Health Care Center, one of the clinical sites participating in TTRA, 76% of clients were virally suppressed within three months of receiving a rapid ART start, and 95% were retained in care for 12 months.
Project ACCEPT* Project ACCEPT is designed to improve engagement and retention in medical care for youth ages 16 to 24 years with newly diagnosed HIV. The educational and skill-building intervention was deployed at four demonstration sites and increased rates of medication use and appointment adherence in comparison to a control group. Although originally developed for cisgender youth, Project ACCEPT may be adapted for gender-diverse people.
Stay Connected for Your Health* Stay Connected for Your Health helps clients stay engaged in HIV medical care through clinic-wide messaging, enhanced personal contact, and behavioral skills training. Originally implemented by six academically affiliated HIV clinics nationwide more than 10 years ago, this 12-month intervention has become well-established and is incorporated in many provider trainings. Evaluations show that people with HIV receiving behavioral skills training and personalized and frequent positive messages about care engagement were more likely to be engaged in care.
Patient-Centered HIV Care Model* The Patient-Centered HIV Care Model (PCHCM) integrates the services of community-based HIV specialized pharmacists and HIV medical providers to deliver patient-centered care for people with HIV. PCHCM expands upon the medication therapy management model by including information sharing between partnered pharmacy and clinic teams; collaborative medication-related action planning between pharmacists, medical providers, and patients; and quarterly follow-up pharmacy visits. Patients participating in the intervention had improved retention in care and viral suppression rates.
Highlight on People Over 50 Living with HIV
Dear Colleague Letter re HIV and Aging Miami-Dade HIV/AIDS Partnership
Recommended practices to address possible age-related health concerns.
Congressional Roundtable for People Over 50 Living with HIV
Thursday, May 16, 2024, 3:30 pm – 4:15 pm – NMAC will host a Congressional roundtable on Capitol Hill to discuss people over 50 living with HIV. The event will be hosted in collaboration with Congresswoman Barbara Lee, Congresswoman Suzanne Bonamici, the HIV AIDS Congressional Caucus, and the Equality Caucus. 2043 Rayburn House Office Building, Capitol Hill, Washington D.C. Panelists will be announced next week. (posted May 3, 2024). To RSVP, please email Zach Miller at [email protected].
The Big Picture: Over 50 and living with HIV in America (NMAC Policy News)
According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), out of the nearly 1.2 million people living with HIV in the United States, over half are over the age of 50. With its Over 50 Group, NMAC emphasizes the urgent need to prioritize the well-being of our aging population living with HIV.
While therapeutic advancements in HIV treatment have significantly improved the lives of individuals over 50 with HIV, it’s imperative to ensure their continued protection and support as they navigate the challenges of aging.
Addressing the persistent health challenges confronting individuals over 50 living with HIV requires a nuanced understanding of their unique circumstances. This demographic often grapples with managing multiple chronic conditions as well as mental and behavioral health issues while navigating healthcare systems that may not adequately cater to their needs. These obstacles significantly impact their quality of life and overall wellness.
As we acknowledge the growing population of individuals over 50 living with HIV, NMAC reaffirms its commitment to advocating for comprehensive clinical and support services and tailored healthcare solutions that empower this community to thrive. By fostering collaboration and promoting policies that prioritize their well-being, we can collectively work towards a future where all individuals, regardless of age, receive the care and support they deserve.
Support People with HIV
What To Say When Someone Says They Have HIV* (Huffington Post) By Centers for Disease Control and Prevention – If a friend or partner tells you that they have HIV, you might be unsure how to respond. But you don’t need to know all of the scientific terminology and latest data on HIV to offer comfort and support. Depending on the specific situation and tone, click here* for five things that you might consider saying when someone tells you their HIV status.
ALERT! Florida’s New Immigration Law (SB 1718)
Please share this information widely within our community.
We have been informed that Florida’s new immigration law (SB 1718) requires reporting of services provided to undocumented people who receive medical care in state-funded hospitals and emergency rooms (ER). Ryan White Program services are not affected by this law and remain open to low-income and undocumented people with HIV with no such reporting requirements. Please note the following regarding this new law, which is effective July 1, 2023:
- No client/patient identifying information or protected health information (PHI) can be reported. ⇨ Names, addresses, health status, etc. are not reported.
- This new law DOES NOT impact free clinics, primary care providers, or medical specialists. Only hospitals that accept Medicaid are affected.
- This new law DOES NOT allow hospitals to refuse care to anyone based on their immigration status. ⇨ The person cannot be denied service.
- The state-funded hospital or ER must ask patients (on the admissions or registration form) if they are lawfully present in the United States. HOWEVER, this new law DOES NOT require patients to answer the immigration status question to receive care. ⇨ The person can decline (refuse) to answer the “lawfully present” question.
- Reports will include the number of undocumented people receiving the hospital or ER-based services (admissions and visits) and the total dollar amount of the uncompensated care provided. Reports must be sent quarterly to the Agency for Health Care Administration (Florida Medicaid), who reports annually to the Governor and Florida Legislature.
- Resources
- Full text of the law CS/CS/SB 1718 (* See lines 254 – 289.
- Additional resources* See especially the “Breaking Signed Bill” attachments.
- Law Overview Hospital data collection; what the law does; what the law doesn’t do.
- Florida Immigration Coalition (FLIC)*; FLIC Immigrant Hotline: 1 (888) 600-5762Know Your Rights SB1718 Linked (Eng)
HIV Awareness Days
HIV Awareness Days and Events
Feature your events on this website and the Community Newsletter. Contact [email protected] for details.
Download Gilead’s Social Media Toolkit for HIV Awareness Days: Social Media Toolkit | Gilead HIV*
March: National Week of Prayer for the Healing of AIDS
April 10: National Youth HIV & AIDS Awareness Day

Resources – National Youth HIV & AIDS Awareness Day 2024* “Wednesday, April 10 marks National Youth HIV & AIDS Awareness Day (NYHAAD). It has been commemorated annually since 2013 and is directed by Advocates for YouthExit Disclaimer, an organization that partners with young people and their adult allies to promote effective adolescent reproductive and sexual health programs and policies. NYHAAD is a day to educate and urge policymakers and the public to act regarding the impact of HIV on young people, as well as highlight the HIV prevention, treatment, and care campaigns for this community.” Click here for the complete NYHAAD Resources page.*
May 18: HIV Vaccine Awareness Day
March 10: National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day
National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day #NWGHAAD |*
Love Letter to Black Women, They are the backbone of NMAC and our work* NMAC Blog (crosspost from . . . NMAC owes so much to so many. We will celebrate Black Women across our movements, from activists to women living with HIV, national advocates, community voices, federal leaders, heath department staff, healthcare workers, and researchers. There are also many important women focused organizations. NMAC will tell multiple stories . . .
Meeting Black Women Where They Are: Sistas Organizing to Survive (SOS) Celebrates 15 Years* ( “SOS is a community mobilization that works! Nothing else that I can think of has been as longstanding and has had the impact on Black women that SOS has [in Florida].” Kalenthia Nunnally, Director of Blessing Hands Outreach, Inc. and Chair of the Miami-Dade County Chapter of Sistas Organizing to Survive (SOS) . . .
In Honor of National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day* Positive Women’s Network web post. “March 10, 2023– today marks the 18th annual observance of National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day (#NWGHAAD). At PWN, NWGHAAD is an opportunity to reflect on what we can do better for women, girls, trans, and non-binary folx living with HIV, and to honor the memory of those who have passed and in whose names we continue to fight . . .”
May 19: National Asian & Pacific Islander HIV/AIDS Awareness Day
June 27: National HIV Testing Day

June 27: National HIV Testing Day |*
2024 Theme: Level up your self-love: check your status
June 5: HIV Long-Term Survivors Awareness Day
August 20: Southern HIV/AIDS Awareness Day
August 20 is #SHAAD, dedicated to raising awareness about the higher burden of #HIV experienced by the American South. Compared to all other regions, the South had the highest number of people living with HIV in 2022. Learn more about HIV prevalence in the South:
September 27: National Gay Men's HIV/AIDS Awareness Day
August 27: National Faith HIV/AIDS Awareness Day
September 9: National African Immigrants and Refugee HIV/AIDS and Hepatitis Awareness Day
September 18: National HIV/AIDS and Aging Awareness Day

Federal Communication Resources
Information on NHAAD and HIV prevention, care, and treatment for people aging with HIV can be found below:
- Administration for Community Living: HIV/AIDS*
- HRSA’s Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program: Optimizing HIV Care for People Aging with HIV*
- HRSA’s Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program: Addressing the Health Care and Social Support Needs of People Aging with HIV*
- Aging with HIV*
- Supporting Long-Term Survivors of HIV*
- HIV and Older People*
- National Institute on Aging: HIV, AIDS, and Older Adults*
December 1: World AIDS Day
October 15: National Latinx AIDS Awareness Day
February 7: National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day
National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day #NBHAAD |*
Enter your NBHAAD event in the United We Rise virtual campaign: NBHAAD – UNITED WE RISE*
Meeting Black Women Where They Are: Sistas Organizing to Survive (SOS) Celebrates 15 Years* ( “SOS is a community mobilization that works! Nothing else that I can think of has been as longstanding and has had the impact on Black women that SOS has [in Florida].” Kalenthia Nunnally, Director of Blessing Hands Outreach, Inc. and Chair of the Miami-Dade County Chapter of Sistas Organizing to Survive (SOS) . . .
Love Letter to Black Women, They are the backbone of NMAC and our work* NMAC Blog (crosspost from . . . NMAC owes so much to so many. We will celebrate Black Women across our movements, from activists to women living with HIV, national advocates, community voices, federal leaders, heath department staff, healthcare workers, and researchers. There are also many important women focused organizations. NMAC will tell multiple stories . . .
February 28: HIV Is Not A Crime Awareness Day
- HIV Criminalization Legal & Policy Assessment Tool | ChangeLab Solutions (website)
- HIV Criminalization Legal and Policy Assessment Tool (Tool)
- Assessment Questions in this Tool: HIV Criminalization Legal and Policy Assessment Tool
- NIAID Editorial Standards Guide (NIAID HIV Language Guide, 2020; especially note the 5 Quick Tips; HIV Basics; Sex, Gender and Sexuality; Other Sex, Gender and Sexuality Vocabulary; Substance Use; Dependence vs. Addiction; Drug Misuse; and Miscellaneous Terms and Topics sections beginning on page 7 of the PDF)
- Ways to Stop HIV Stigma and Discrimination | HIV Stigma | Let’s Stop HIV Together | CDC
- HIV Stigma Fact Sheet
- Why Language Matters: Facing HIV Stigma in Our Own Words | The Well Project
- The Policy Innovation Exchange – People first. Policy-focused.
HIV Is Not A Crime Awareness Day |*
TheSEROProject: HINAC Day Global Rebrand
March 20: National Native HIV/AIDS Awareness Day
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Planning Resources
Post Your Awareness Days Events on’s Guide to Planning Awareness Day Activities guide to help you plan for Awareness Day events, activities, and outreach.
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HIV Testing
Free, reduced cost, and at-home HIV testing is widely available in Miami-Dade County.
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HIV Testing
Find an HIV Testing Site Near You!
Free Male Condoms, Female Condoms, Lubricants, and Dental Dams
Miami-Dade County residents that are 18 years old or older can place an online order to receive free condoms through the TestMiami website*. A personal protection package will be mailed directly to their home that consists of male condoms, female condoms, lubricants, and dental dams.
Free HIV Rapid Testing, Free HCV Rapid Testing, HIV Treatment, Hepatitis B & Hepatitis C Treatment and More at Midway Specialty Care Center
Free HIV Rapid Testing, Free HCV Rapid Testing, HIV Treatment, Hepatitis B & Hepatitis C Treatment and More!
- South Miami, 7000 SW 62nd Avenue, Suite 320, Miami, Florida 33143. (305) 740-6071
- Mercy Hospital, 3661 S Miami Avenue, Suite 202, Miami, Florida 33133. (786) 772-0319
- Miami Beach, 4308 Alton Road, Suite 860, Miami Beach, Florida 33140. (305) 674-2766
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Test for HIV at Home!
Free At-Home Self Testing Kits from the Florida Department of Health in Miami-Dade County
Free At-Home Self Testing Kits from We Are Greater Than AIDS
HIV testing may look different, but it’s still available! To support expanded HIV testing options during COVID-19, Greater Than AIDS and Walgreens, along with OraSure Technologies, donated 10,000 OraQuick In-Home HIV Tests to community partners.
Together Take Me Home
A project with the goal of distributing up to 1 million free HIV self-tests over the next 5 years.
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Housing Resources
Housing Assistance
2025 Request for Applications for Homebuyer Education and Counseling Services (Closes February 12, 2025)
The Housing and Community Development Department is releasing the 2025 Request for Applications for Homebuyer Education and Counseling Services.
Request for Applications will be accepted on Tuesday, Jan. 21, 2025 and will close on Wednesday, Feb. 12, 2025.
Funding Allocation: $1,400,000
Housing and Community Development (HCD) is now accepting applications for State Housing Initiatives Partnership (SHIP) funding for Homebuyer Education and Counseling (HBEC) Services.
HRSA Dear Colleague Letter: National Homelessness Awareness Month
HRSA Dear Colleague Letter: National Homelessness Awareness Month
The Health Resources and Services Administration’s (HRSA) HIV/AIDS Bureau (HAB) recognizes November as National Homelessness Awareness Month. This month is a time to reflect on the vital importance of safe, affordable, and accessible housing for people with HIV. As we recognize this month, we are reminded that housing is more than just a place to live; it is the foundation towards achieving positive health outcomes.
HRSA Announces New Policy Action to Improve Access to Housing for People With HIV
HRSA Deputy Administrator Jordan Grossman announced this guidance during the Advancing Housing, Health, and Social Care Partnerships Conference, which is bringing together federal agencies, states, and housing and services organizations across the country participating in the HRSA-supported Health and Housing Initiative, the U.S. Interagency Council on Homelessness ALL INside Initiative*, and the HHS and HUD-supported Housing and Services Partnership Accelerator*.

The Department of Housing & Community Development coordinates programs funded through federal and state grants to assist Miami’s economically disadvantaged residents and neighborhoods. Through cooperative partnerships with the public and private sectors, the Department oversees the divisions of Housing and Administrative Services, which are dedicated to giving low-income residents access to the region’s economic growth and prosperity.
HOPWA Programs
- HOPWA Tenant Based Rental Assistance* – Wait List Lottery Results*
- Project Based Housing Assistance*
- Short Term Rental, Mortgage, and Utility (STRMU)*
- Are you living with HIV and at risk of losing your current housing?
- Click here for STRMU Program eligibility.
- Based on need, the Program can provide multiple weeks of assistance during any 52-week.
- How to Apply: Call CARE Resource (305) 576-1234, ext. 129; 463; 493; or 311 to set up an eligibility determination appointment.
Miami-Dade County Homeless Trust

- Community Resource Guides* for the Homeless of Miami-Dade.
- Homeless Prevention
- Homeless Helpline 1 (877) 994-4357
- Unsheltered Homeless
- Unaccompanied Youth
- Fleeing Domestic Violence
- Families with Minor Children
- Veterans
- Sex Offenders and Predators
Housing Opportunities Project for Excellence (HOPE), Inc.

HOPE, Inc.* The only non-profit focused on fighting housing discrimination in Miami-Dade and Broward Counties.
Housing Opportunities Project for Excellence, Inc. (HOPE, Inc.) is a private fair housing, not-for-profit, 501 (c) 3 corporation established in 1988, dedicated to eliminating housing discrimination and promoting fair housing. HOPE, Inc. employs a three-tiered system of private enforcement, education outreach and counseling to achieve its mission: to fight housing discrimination in Miami-Dade and Broward Counties and to promote equal housing opportunities throughout Florida. Its programs are designed to ensure that people are offered the right to select housing of their choice without discrimination based on race, religion, color, national origin, sex, disability, marital or familial status, or such other protected classes as may be conferred by federal, state or local laws. HOPE, Inc. is engaged in testing for fair housing law violations and pursuing enforcement of meritorious claims. Since its inception, HOPE has achieved settlements for victims of housing discrimination cases totaling over $12 million.
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Resources for People Experiencing Housing Instability or Homelessness
Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) Waiting List
Updated August 14, 2024.
Transitional Housing Employment Program
Mission is to enhance the lives of individuals with disabilities, underserved population and the socio-economically disenfranchised clients and their families through universal access to healthcare, case management, social, and employment services. CRC THEP seeks to provide services that encompass the “whole man” cultivating and rejuvenating the physical, mental, and emotional aspects of each individual we serve and to increase PLWH’s capacity to achieve housing stability. The Program also provides links to all possible care to clients to encourage and ensure positive growth and accountability, which will result in a healthier community.
If You are Homeless or About to be Homeless
For homeless prevention, call 1 (877) 994-4357 and #1 to reach Camillus Homeless Prevention.
You can also call (305)-374-1065 ext. 510 for Camillus Homeless Prevention.
If you are a youth between the ages of 18-24 you can seek assistance by contacting Educate Tomorrow at (305) 374-3751.
If you are LGBTQ you can seek assistance by contacting Pridelines at (305) 571-9601.
In the case of domestic violence, please contact one of the numbers below:
- Florida Domestic Violence 24-Hour Crisis Hotline 1 (800) 500-1119
- Miami-Dade County Coordinated Victims Assistance Center (305) 285-5900 (Call/Text message 24/7)
- Advocates for Victims/Safespace Hotline – Central (305) 693-0232
- Advocates for Victims/Safespace Hotline – North (305) 758-2546
- Advocates for Victims/Safespace Hotline – South (305) 245-5011
Affordable Housing - Miami-Dade County Government Resources
HUD Resource Locator offers real-time HUD housing information at the fingertips of people looking to quickly connect with building managers, public housing authority representatives, and property management companies to inquire about housing availability and other housing-related questions.
Go Section 8*
PHCD has partnered with GoSection8 to provide a user-friendly way to list rental properties online. Listings are available to potential Housing Choice Voucher participants who are seeking apartments, duplexes, single-family homes or townhomes in the private market. Help is also provided via a toll-free number 1-888-466-7328.
Miami-Dade Housing Finance Authority*
Listing of affordable rental housing through HFA’s Multifamily Rental Program, Developers of multifamily housing receive low-interest rate loans to produce new or rehabilitated housing and agree to provide rents at affordable rates for persons of low and moderate income.
Florida Housing Finance Corporation*
Created by the Florida Legislature to help Floridians obtain safe, decent and affordable housing. The site has an online affordable housing locator service to find affordable rental housing around the state. Housing Assistance Network of Dade (HAND)Citrus Health Network is the lead agency in the Housing Assistance Network of Dade (HAND) program, a multi-agency partnership with Miami-Dade County and local municipalities making an effort to prevent homelessness by providing temporary rental assistance for eligible low-income individuals and families who are currently homeless or are at risk of becoming homeless.
Permanent Housing Placement - Are you living with HIV and looking to move?
PHP is designed for persons with HIV and provides assistance with your first month rent and security deposit on your new place.
Click here for program eligibility. Or, to apply, call Care Resource at (305) 576-1234, ext. 129; 463; 493; or 311 to set up an eligibility determination appointment.
Utility and Rental Assistance
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau – Help for renters*. If you’re a renter looking for help with housing costs, you’re not alone: Programs providing rental assistance. Get to know your legal rights as a renter.
Emergency Rental Assistance Program* US Department of the Treasury resources.
Temporary Protection from Eviction
U.S Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is issuing a new order temporarily halting evictions in counties with heightened levels of community transmission in order to respond to recent, unexpected developments in the trajectory of the COVID-19 pandemic, including the rise of the Delta variant. It is intended to target specific areas of the country where cases are rapidly increasing, which likely would be exacerbated by mass evictions.
Affordable Connectivity Program (Broadband Service and Internet Connectivity)
Stay Connected! The Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) is a U.S. government program that helps many low income households pay for broadband service and internet connected devices. You are likely eligible if your household’s income is below 200% of the Federal Poverty Line, or if you or someone you live with currently receives a government benefit like SNAP, Medicaid, SSI, WIC, Pell Grant, or Free and Reduced-Price Lunch. If your household is eligible, you could receive:
- Up to a $30/month discount on your internet service
- Up to a $75/month discount if your household is on qualifying Tribal lands
- A one-time discount of up to $100 for a laptop, tablet, or desktop computer (with a co-payment of more than $10 but less than $50)
- A low cost service plan that may be fully covered through the ACP
United Way 2023 ALICE (Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed) Reports
Spotlight: Homeless Health Outreach Mobile Engagement
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Jobs and Volunteering
Contact mdcpartnership@behavioralsciencecom to add or update a job opportunity.
Search by Job Title
Share Your Job Opportunity
Job opportunities are posted on this site and shared through the bi-weekly Community Newsletter. Please see Community Newsletter | AidsNet for details.
P.S. If your job has been filled, congratulations! Please let us know so we can remove the listing: [email protected].
Job Assistance and Special Opportunities
- United Way – UpSkill Miami* UpSkill Miami fosters strategic collaborations, bringing together underserved populations, training providers and employers in Miami-Dade County. The fund serves to upskill and reskill the local workforce, offering them training, support and employment opportunities in high-demand industries. By creating a pathway to jobs that provide economic mobility and avenues for career growth, we can profoundly transform the lives of many in our local community.
- JP-PAS Personal Attendant Services Program* JP-PAS provides monthly stipends to adult Floridians with significant disabilities who require personal assistance services to attain and maintain competitive and integrated employment.
- Reemployment Assistance* If your employment has been negatively impacted as a result of the mitigation efforts in Florida to stop the spread of COVID-19, you may be eligible to receive Reemployment Assistance . . . Deadline Date: Open
HIV Counselor
New Hope C.O.R.P.S.
- HIV Counselor* Under the overall guidance of the HIV/AIDS Coordinator the HIV AIDS Counselor is expected to substantively contribute to the effective implementation of New Hope CORPS HIV-AIDS program intervention and activities, particularly related to HIV/AIDS counseling, testing and outreach. S/he will work in close collaboration with the Florida Department of Health and the South Florida Behavioral Health Network. (Updated 03/25/25)
HIV/STD Outreach Specialist
Care 4 U Community Health Center
- Immediate job openings for full-time Outreach Specialists. These positions will engage individuals living with HIV/AIDS and at risk for potential exposure to HIV/STD, emphasis on high risk populations including people of color, men who have sex with men (MSM), and persons of transgender and gender nonconforming experience, for the purpose of connecting them to HIV testing, medical treatment and prevention services including PrEP. Outreach Specialists will provide HIV/STD testing, HIV/STD health education, risk reduction interventions, condom distribution, referrals and linkage to care and support services in neighborhoods or venues in Liberty City and surrounding areas. Occasional nights/weekends hours are required. (Updated 03/25/25)
Project Access Foundation
- Outreach Specialist* This is a grant-funded position that works with diverse communities. The overall responsibilities are to conduct Comprehensive HIV Prevention activities (including but not limited to outreach, education, HIV & STD testing and counseling, PrEP/nPEP navigation, and Linkage to Care) at venues throughout Miami-Dade County; and conduct Risk-Reduction counseling. Responsible for: knowing proper testing and confidentiality procedures, client risk/treatment assessment, and client assistance and follow up as needed. (Updated 03/25/25)
Human Services and Public Health Program Manager (Out of State)
Hennepin County, Minnesota
- Human Services and Public Health Program Manager* Hennepin County, MN. The Public Health department is looking for a Program Manager to lead our Ryan White Program team. This Program Manager manages the Ryan White Program area, which is a significant cross-functional service assignment, in that this work crosses several programs across the Public Health department and leads Hennepin County’s HIV/AIDS Prevention and Care across the state. This position also manages work in the community mainly through multiple clinics and community based HIV service providers across the State that provide care to the population affected by HIV/AIDS. This Program Manager plans, organizes, directs, and evaluates the overall operations of the Ryan White Program. As part of the program, this position is responsible for managing over $10M in federal and state grant funds for the success of the program locally.
Medical Case Managers
CAN Community Health
- Medical Case Manager I* Provides outpatient HIV medical case management services and patient advocacy through education, counseling, advocacy, benefits assessment and enrollment, and coordination of services. Ensures patient access to essential medications, medical care and support services. Bachelor’s degree from an accredited school or equivalent experience in social services, education, public health, or social work is required. (Updated 03/25/25)
Mental Health and Substance Abuse Counselors
Care 4 U Community Health Center
- Mental Health / Substance Abuse Counselor (Licensed) Care 4 U Community Health Center, a nonprofit medical clinic in Miami’s inner city is seeking a licensed mental health professional to provide behavioral health services to individuals struggling with mental illness and/or addiction. This position works with community resources to develop appropriate treatment and counseling plans for clients and partners with clients to address their behavioral health needs. (Updated 03/25/25)
Project Access Foundation
- Mental Health Counselor* Project Access Foundation is seeking candidates for a Mental Health Counselor to join our team. In this position, you will assist our clients by providing screening, assessment, counseling, and education to individuals struggling with issues of substance abuse, and/or other mental health disorders.
Prevention (Out of State)
- NASTAD, Senior Associate, Prevention*(Washington, DC) The Senior Associate, Prevention, as part of NASTAD’s Prevention team, supports the organization’s capacity to support health departments’ (HDs) implementation of Ending the HIV Epidemic plans. The position works primarily on NASTAD’s CDC-funded “Strategic Partnerships and Planning to Support Ending the HIV Epidemic in the United States” (PS19-1906 Component A) project to provide technical assistance to HDs implementing CDC PS20-2010 Component A. (updated 05/24/22)
- NASTAD, Manager, Prevention (PrEP, Partner Services, and Self-Testing)* The Manager, Prevention, a full-time position, provides subject matter expertise on topics surrounding increasing PrEP access, such as access to self-testing technologies and partner services. The Manager will support NASTAD’s PrEP Access portfolio and lead the execution of NASTAD’s technical assistance (TA) and CBA activities in these areas, co-leading projects in close collaboration with consultants and NASTAD colleagues. Salary Range: $61,200 – $64,800. (updated 05/24/22)
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Search by Organization
AIDS Healthcare Foundation
Amazing individuals working for positive people at AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF)! Does the idea of doing something that really makes a difference in people’s lives while being well compensated intrigue you? Are you looking to work for an organization that encourages growth and success from each and every one of its employees? Click the link below.
Borinquen Medical Centers
Borinquen Medical Centers* provide a comprehensive range of health and social services to our culturally diverse community throughout Miami-Dade County. Our quality services are accessible throughout the area through a multi-discipline approach. We provide wide-ranging services of primary medical care, essential support services, and medication for individuals with HIV. If you are looking to make a difference and place to grow, join our team!
CAN Community Health
The mission of CAN Community Health* is to inspire and contribute to the health and well-being of those affected by HIV, hepatitis C, and other sexually transmitted diseases by providing the best care through outreach, integrated clinical practice, advocacy, education, and research.
Care 4 U Community Health Center
Care 4 U Community Health Center* is a comprehensive community health center, providing a full range of health care and preventative services to our community’s adult, adolescent, pediatric and specialty needs populations.
Care Resource
Care Resource* is a non-profit organization and a Federally Qualified Health Center with 4 locations located in Midtown Miami, Little Havana, Miami Beach, and Fort Lauderdale. Care Resource provide comprehensive health and support services to address the full health care needs of our pediatric, adolescent and adult populations.
Florida Department of Health (FDOH)
The Florida Department of Health is looking for individuals to serve in a variety of roles. Public health promotes and protects the health of people and the communities where they live, learn, work and play. Promoting wellness by encouraging healthy behaviors, preventing the spread of disease by vaccinating children and adults, educating people about the risks of tobacco are just a few examples of public health in action.
Jessie Trice Community Health System
Jessie Trice Community Health System, Inc (JTCHS)* is one of Miami-Dade County’s preeminent federally qualified community healthcare centers, governed by a remarkably dedicated Board of Directors (51% of which are users of the medical and dental services) and a diverse, incredibly talented, committed family of providers and staff.
Jessie Trice Community Health System Employment Opportunities*
Latinos Salud
Latinos Salud* is Florida’s only gay, minority-based HIV agency. With locations in Broward and Miami-Dade counties, Latino Salud seeks to reduce the burden of communicable diseases, using a community engagement model.
Miami Beach Community Health Center, Inc.
Miami Beach Community Health Center, Inc.* (MBCHC) is a full-service outpatient medical clinic which has been providing health care in Miami-Dade County since 1977. Our mission is to provide our patients with a patient-centered medical home with high quality, affordable primary health care and specialty services, chronic disease management, and support services.
Midway Specialty Care Center
Midway Specialty Care Center* Not-for-profit network of clinics is committed to providing access to a comprehensive infectious disease care center with access to behavioral health services, gynecological care and nutritional support.
New Hope C.O.R.P.S.
New Hope C.O.R.P.S.* is dedicated to the re-entry into society of those individuals struggling with homelessness, poverty, alcohol, substance use and mental health disorders utilizing a faith and evidenced based approach to treatment. Contact (786) 243-1003, Executive Director, Stephen Alvarez (Ext 208) or Maritza Carvajal (Ext 223).
Positive People Network, Inc.
Positive People Network, Inc.* Mission: To change the quality of life of people living with HIV/AIDS. To empower, strengthen and uplift All People Living with HIV/AIDS. Please contact [email protected] to get involved!
Pridelines* A fun and rewarding place to work with a team committed to supporting, educating, and empowering South Florida’s LGB youth and community to promote dialogue, wellness, and to foster social change.
Project Access Foundation
The mission of Project Access Foundation* is to improve the overall community health of South Florida by increasing access to high quality healthcare services for all community members, including special populations. PAF provides access to primary medical, dental and behavioral health services with an emphasis on the underserved communities of South Florida, as well as to train future health care providers in community and patient-centered health. PAF’s model relies on the delivery of compassionate, enthusiastic healthcare exceeding patient expectations every time; regardless of their cultural, financial, and social status, or sexual orientation.
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LGB Resources
There are many ways to make sure your organization is a safe space for the LGB community. Consider hanging an Everyone Welcome Here rainbow sign or banner at your front desk or in your office. Just Google “Everyone Welcome Here” for a flood of colorful and creative ways to promote this message!
Financial Resources for LGB from
- New Resources from (November 2024)
Quick Links
Sage LGB Elder Hotline* (Connects LGB Older People Who Want To Talk With Friendly Responders Who Are Ready To Listen); Call (877) 360-LGBT (5428)
Suicide & Crisis Lifeline* (Formerly The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline); Call or text 988, or call 1 (800) 273-TALK (8255). For TTY users: Use your preferred relay service or dial 711 then 988.
National Coalition for LGB Health website*
National Sexual Assault Hotline*; Call (800) 656-HOPE (4673)
The Trevor Project* (Provides 24/7 Crisis Support Services To LGB Young People); Call (866) 488-7386 or text 678678
Veterans Crisis Line* (For Veterans, Military Personnel, And Their Families); Call 988 and Press 1, or text 838255
Black, Gifted & Whole Foundation
Black, Gifted & Whole Foundation (*
“Black, Gifted & Whole is a revolutionary attempt to change the collective narrative of Black Queer men. Our mission is to empower, educate and mobilize Black Queer men by acknowledging, celebrating and affirming their whole selves.”
The PRIDE Study. Your Story. Your Health
The PRIDE Study. Your Story. Your Health* The PRIDE Study is supported by the community engagement efforts of PRIDEnet, a national network of individuals and organizations that engage LGB people in health research. The main question we want to answer is: how does being LGB influence physical, mental, or social health?
REACH Equity Team at University of Miami looking for CAB Members (Latino MSM)
Being on the Community Advisory Board allows for you to represent the Miami Latino MSM community and give input and insight on different aspects of our research projects, as well as helping in designing studies and procedures for our projects.
We are looking for Latino gay, bisexual, and other MSM for this role.
This is a great opportunity to make sure the Latino MSM community is represented in our research projects!
The role is compensated $50 monthly for your input, and if interested, please reach out to Brandon Quiroz ([email protected]) or Yareli Sosa ([email protected]) for more information.
Shigella Infection Among Gay, Bisexual, and Other Men Who Have Sex with Men
FDOH Fact Sheet: Shigella Infection Among Gay, Bisexual, and Other Men Who Have Sex with Men The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has observed an increase in extensively drug-resistant (XDR) Shigella infections (shigellosis) reported through national surveillance systems. XDR Shigella infections are resistant to all generally recommended antibiotics in the United States, making them difficult to treat.
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Other Local, State and Federal Assistance
National Human Trafficking Hotline
National Human Trafficking Hotline Website*
- Call the National Human Trafficking Hotline: 1-888-373-7888
- Find local services and providers: Find Local Services | National Human Trafficking Hotline*
If you or someone you know is in immediate danger, please call 911.
Human trafficking is a situation in which an individual is compelled to work or engage in commercial sex through the use of force, fraud or coercion. If the individual is under the age of 18 and engaging in commercial sex they are experiencing trafficking regardless of whether force, fraud, or coercion is also taking place.
If you believe you may have information about a trafficking situation:
- Call the National Human Trafficking Hotline toll-free hotline at 1-888-373-7888: Anti-Trafficking Hotline Advocates are available 24/7 to take reports of potential human trafficking.
- Text the National Human Trafficking Hotline at 233733. Message and data rates may apply.
- Chat the National Human Trafficking Hotline via*.
- Submit a tip online through the anonymous online reporting form below. However, please note that if the situation is urgent or occurred within the last 24 hours we would encourage you to call, text or chat.
- Interpreters are available via phone call only.
Vision Care ~ Free and Reduced-Cost Resources
- New Eyes for the Needy (* ~ Free and reduced Priced Prescription Eyeglasses. New Eyes transforms the lives of children and adults facing financial hardship across the United States through the simple, yet critical, tool of eyeglasses.
- Get Free or Low-Cost Eye Care | National Eye Institute (* ~ Programs that offer free or low-cost eye care. These programs offer free or low-cost eye care. Keep in mind that you’ll need to apply to get help from these programs — and many programs have specific requirements, like having a low income or a higher risk of certain eye diseases. Most of these programs provide services across the United States, but your area may have local organizations and services that can help, too.
- How to Find a Free Eye Exam | NVISION Eye Centers (* ~ How to Find a Free Eye Exam: A Guide. If you lack vision insurance to cover the cost of a complete eye test or you can’t afford to pay out of your pocket, multiple agencies and organizations now make vision care much more accessible by offering free or low-cost eye scan options. Various community organizations and public health programs offer vision help to people in need, including those in low-income brackets, children, the disabled, and senior citizens.
- EyeCare America – American Academy of Ophthalmology (* Preserving sight for over 35 years.
- EyeCare America, one of the country’s leading public service programs, provides eye care through our volunteer ophthalmologists. Since 1985, we have helped more than 2.2 million seniors and those at increased risk of glaucoma access eyecare and resources. Ninety percent of the care provided is at no out-of-pocket cost to the patient.
- Información de Asistencia Financiera ~ The American Academy of Ophthalmology EyeCare America® Program (La Fundación de la Academia de Oftalmología en los EE.UU.) EyeCare America brinda atención oftalmológica a los ciudadanos estadounidenses y residentes legales a través de oftalmólogos voluntarios, a menudo sin costo de desembolso para aquellos que califican. Visite para averiguar si usted o alguien que usted conoce califica para el cuidado del ojo. Más del 90 por ciento de la atención que se brinda a los pacientes de EyeCare America no se paga de bolsillo.
- Eyes of Hope (* Empowering Human Potential Through Sight™ We believe that eye care is essential, yet 1.1 billion people around the world live with vision impairment and can’t get the care they need. VSP Vision Eyes of Hope addresses barriers of income, distance, and disaster to provide equitable access to eye care and eyewear where it’s needed most. To date, we’ve provided access to no-cost vision care for more than 3.8 million people in need.
Farm Share Food Pantry - Every Third Thursday
Local – Miami-Dade County
Simply Healthcare resources to get help finding food, jobs, a place to live and other things you may need.
EHE Health Tec at The Village South! If a client does not have a device to participate in the program one will be provide by The Village South to be returned at the end of treatment. To be eligible for the program the client must have an HIV diagnoses. No insurance is need for the client to be enrolled into the program. To make a referral please send contact and demographic information to Admissions Director Israel Gonzales at [email protected]. Services:
- Substance Abuse Treatment
- Individual Therapy
- Case Management
- Peer Services
- Telehealth Sessions Offered (tablet or cell phone provided, if needed)
- Urinalysis & Alcohol Test Weekly (via In-Home/On-Site)
Ryan White Program Subrecipients Community Health of South Florida – Optometry (limited services); Public Health Trust – Ophthalmology/Optometry; University of Miami -Ophthalmology/Optometry (limited services)
Borinquen Medical Centers will soon be opening a Dental site in North Miami, at 12601 NE 7th Avenue, North Miami, FL 33161. Services include: Cleanings, Tooth Colored Fillings, Extractions, Root Canals, Crowns, Dentures, Emergency Services. Most insurance accepted. For uninsured, discount rates available. Dr. Michelle Soheil, Dental Director, (305) 576-6611.
Resources for Dental Services for Low-Income Individuals and Families: Florida Department of Health Dental Clinic Community Smiles Dental Health Clinic
Miami-Dade County* Miami-Dade County COVID-19 Assistance Programs: Financial Assistance, Housing Assistance, Food Assistance, Employment Assistance, Business Assistance, and Senior Assistance.
Extended Hours at CAN Community Health: Click for details on dates and times of extended hours at the Miami Gardens and South beach locations.
State – Florida* Floridians who get food, cash or health care assistance through the government now need to navigate a new website. The Florida Department of Children and Families is launching a new “My Access Portal” for assistance with SNAP, TANF and Medicaid programs. The agency says the new platform is more modern and user-friendly, works better on mobile devices, streamlines document uploading, and should make getting government assistance faster.
Florida’s Poison Control Centers* Toll-free hotline: 1 (800) 222-1222. Florida Poison Information Center – Miami: Jackson Memorial Hospital; University of Miami Miller School of Medicine; Highland Professional Building, 1801 NW 9th Avenue, 1st Floor, Miami, FL 33136.
Florida Department of Health* What you need to know now about COVID-19 in Florida.
Florida Department of Children and Families*
Tobacco Free Florida* Quitting tobacco isn’t easy, and there are many ways to go about it. But whether you quit on your own or with a little extra help, we’re here to help you on your quit journey and help you choose the right way for you.
Federal – United States
Social Security* Print the factsheet: How to Qualify for Social Security Disability With HIV/AIDS If you have a medical condition, such as HIV or AIDS, that keeps you from working, you may qualify for Social Security Disability* benefits. The Social Security Administration (SSA) oversees two disability programs that provide monthly benefits to those who are disabled or have a serious and can no longer work full time. The SSA uses a medical guide, which is called the Blue Book*, to determine eligibility. The Blue Book has a listing that applies to HIV/AIDS. To be approve with that listing, you must meet the specific criteria.
Optum Pharmacy The only nationally certified pharmacy with a dedicated HIV account management team. Optum provides: American Academy of HIV Medicine (AAHIVP)-certified pharmacists; A specially trained clinical HIV team; Financial assistance specialists that will exhaust all efforts to get funding; Multilingual capabilities; Prior authorization and appeals team; Clinical management program and consistent patient follow up to promote optimal outcomes. Click here for the Optum Pharmacy website*.
Hurricane Season Resources
PrEP, PEP and nPEP
PrEP, PEP and nPEP
PEP (Post-Exposure Prophylaxis) Taking antiretroviral medicines (ART) after being potentially exposed to HIV to prevent becoming infected.
nPEP (Non-occupational Post-Exposure Prophylaxis) Short-term treatment started as soon as possible after high-risk non-occupational exposure to an infectious agent, such as HIV, hepatitis B virus (HBV), or hepatitis C virus (HCV).
Find PrEP, PEP and nPEP Near You!
- Ready, Set PrEP* The Ready, Set, PrEP program provides free oral PrEP* HIV-prevention medications to people living in the United States, including tribal lands and territories, who are HIV-negative and lack prescription drug coverage to help reduce the number of new HIV transmissions and bring us one step closer to ending the HIV epidemic in the United States. Find a PrEP pharmacy near you!*
- PrEP Locator –* PrEP locations throughout the US. Also search by PrEP for uninsured and PrEP access assistance.
- Please PrEP Me* The original site for PrEP consumers, frontline providers and clinicians by HealthHIV.
University of Washington Infectious Diseases Education & Assessment (IDEA) Program - Doxy PEP Guidelines for Clinicians and National HIV PrEP Curriculum
Doxy PEP guide for clinicians on both the NSTDC and National HIV PrEP Curriculum.
HRSA HAB Releases New Doxy PEP and STI Program Letter
In April 2023, the Health Resources and Services Administration’s (HRSA) HIV/AIDS Bureau (HAB) issued a program letter on the role of the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program (RWHAP) in addressing sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and mpox. Since last year, the country continues to experience an increase in STIs, which has significantly impacted people with HIV. HRSA HAB recognizes RWHAP recipients have advanced the response to STIs in the communities you serve but understand there is still more work to be done. Read the program letter*
PrEPVu resources to raise awareness about PrEP inequities
Barriers and Facilitators to Expanding PrEP Coverage in Southern Ending the HIV Epidemic States and Jurisdictions
A survey for health providers, programmers and public health practitioners. Southern AIDS Coalition in partnership with PrEP4All, is conducting a rapid landscaping to identify laws, policies and administrative requirements and approaches that impact PrEP access in the South. The analysis will center on coverage of costs, network sufficiency and community knowledge and demand. Information provided in this survey will be used to compile a non-exhaustive list of policies, requirements and approaches that can be used to guide recommendations, advocacy and implementation. Information provided here will be treated as anonymous and may be described in a summary report in aggregate–ie “X number of states have a specific policy or issue impacting coverage.” Information about your role, location and affiliation will be used for internal purposes and to share the results of this work and future activities. If you have questions or concerns please contact [email protected].
CDC’s New #ShesWell Initiative Aims to Increase PrEP Awareness among Women and Their Healthcare Providers
CDC’s Let’s Stop HIV Together (Together) campaign recently launched a new initiative called #ShesWell, which is focused on increasing awareness about Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) among women, building capacity among clinicians to prescribe PrEP to women who can benefit from it, and ultimately increasing PrEP use among women.
CDC Educational Resources on PrEP and PEP
Talk to your partners and friends about pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP). PrEP is a medicine that when taken as prescribed, can greatly reduce your risk of getting HIV from sex and injection drug use.
PrEP can stop HIV from taking hold and spreading throughout your body. It is highly effective for preventing HIV if used as prescribed. And remember, PrEP protects you against HIV but not against other sexual transmitted diseases (STDs).
There are more HIV prevention options than ever before.
Health Centers on the Front Lines Podcast: Long-Acting injectable PrEP & HIV Treatment
Video resources for the Ryan White Program.
HIV Prevention Certified Provider Program
HealthHIV has added a new module on PrEP Adherence to its HIV PCP program and is offering free, continuing education credits for its completion. The HIV Prevention Certified Provider Program is an online, self-paced CME curriculum composed of six modules in HIV prevention detailing the pertinent clinical and practice information that clinicians need to effectively employ HIV prevention interventions. Upon successful completion of this program, participants earn a certificate recognizing their designation as an HIV Prevention Certified Provider (HIV PCP) and receive listing in national online directory of HIV PCPs. The curriculum is updated annually and more frequently as needed, based on approval of new biomedical interventions and release of evidence-based practices.
PrEP Ancillary Support Services Now Allowable Use of CDC HIV Funding
CDC will now allow domestic HIV prevention funding to be used to support PrEP ancillary services (such as laboratory testing costs) through the flagship health department program, PS18-1802.
Task Force Issues Draft Recommendation Statement on PrEP for HIV Prevention, Invites Public Comment
Healthcare professionals should prescribe pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) to people at increased risk for HIV. The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (Task Force) today posted a draft recommendation statement on pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) for the prevention of HIV infection. Based on its review of the evidence, the Task Force recommends that healthcare professionals prescribe PrEP to people at increased risk for HIV to help prevent HIV infection. This is an A grade.
NASTAD PrEP Coverage Brief: PrEP Services Covered with No Cost-Sharing
This National Alliance of State and Territorial AIDS Directors (NASTAD) fact sheet walks through the coverage and cost-sharing requirements for public and private payers that come with this USPSTF Grade A recommendation. It summarizes federal guidance on implementing Preventive Services provisions of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), including new federal sub-regulatory guidance addressing PrEP services released on July 19, 2021. Contact NASTAD’s PrEP team at [email protected] with questions or to request TA on PrEP financing and coverage.
PrEP, PEP and nPEP News 2018-2022
- Persons at high risk of HIV acquisition* (, January 1, 2022) The US Preventive Services Taskforce (USPSTF) recommends that clinicians offer pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) with effective antiretroviral therapy to persons who are at high risk of HIV acquisition.
- Best Practices: Interventions for PrEP* (, January 11, 2021) The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC HIV/AIDS Prevention Research Synthesis (PRS) Project) identifies evidence-based interventions (EBIs) and evidence-informed interventions (EIs) for the Compendium of Evidence-Based Interventions and Best Practices for HIV Prevention. The Compendium helps HIV prevention planners and providers in the United States (US) select interventions most appropriate for their communities. The Compendium contains chapters on risk reduction; medication adherence; linkage to, retention in, and re-engagement in HIV care; and structural interventions. (February 2021)
Support Groups and Group Activities
Virtual an in-person support groups and group activities; listed alphabetically by organization.
Return to Top of Support Groups
Heads Up! Life Skills Group for Young Adults 18-24 Years Old
Heads Up! Thursdays via Zoom! Borinquen Medical Centers: LIFE SKILLS Group for young adults 18–24-year old. In group, young adults will learn skills such as goal setting, effective communication, managing stress, decision making, money managing and building relationships. Contact (305) 576-6611 x 3102 or 3103 for details.
Ecumenical, Community Involvement Calendar; Major Religions; and In-Service Trainings & Presentations
For more information, contact George N. Gibson, Certified Crisis Interventionist and Information & Referral (I & R) Specialist, (786) 488-2108 or [email protected].
Posted August 3, 2023: Ecumenical, Community Involvement Calendar; Major Religions; and In-Service Trainings & Presentations Prepared this for the Broward County Ecumenical (Interfaith) Council and Arcola Lakes Public Library. The ecumenical council consists of chaplains who work with at-risk youths and their families who come through the juvenile justice system. Krystal R. Powell, branch manager at Arcola Lakes Public Library, and I had a meeting about helping youths during the summer and promoting the programs at the library, including the bereavement support group. The HIV/AIDS community might want to get involved with Faith and Blue (F&B) in October and helping youths during the summer. F&B brings law enforcement, residents, businesses, professionals, and COMMUNITY BASED ORGANIZATIONS (CBO’s) together through the connections of local faith-based organizations. AIDS Service Organizations (ASO’s) will fall under the category of CBO’s.
Educational Information On Health & Human Services
For more information, contact George N. Gibson, Certified Crisis Interventionist and Information & Referral (I & R) Specialist, (786) 488-2108 or [email protected].
Educational Information On Health & Human Services
- Every 2nd Thursday of the Month, 1:30 PM – 5:30 PM, Main Library (In the Foyer Area), 101 West Flagler Street, Miami, Florida 33130 (Updated April 28, 2023)
- Every 4th Thursday of the Month, 3:30 PM – 7:30 PM, South Dade Regional Library, 10750 SW 211th Street, Cutler Bay, Florida 33189 (Updated April 28, 2023)
Good Grief! Bereavement Support Group
For more information, contact George N. Gibson, Certified Crisis Interventionist and Information & Referral (I & R) Specialist, (786) 488-2108 or [email protected].
Every 3rd Wednesday of the Month: Good Grief! Bereavement Support Group Grieving the loss of loved ones is the beginning part of the healing process. Bereavement Support Group. Helping grieving families, significant others, and friends to cope with the loss of a loved one; Are you seeking answers to unresolved questions? Spiritual and Emotional Support in a nonjudgmental manner; Guest speakers, such as psychologists and thanatologists will be invited to speak at times. (Updated April 28, 2023)
HIV/AIDS, Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD’S), Tuberculosis (TB), And Sexual Minority Issues (GLBTQ+ Issues) Faith-Based Calendar
For more information, contact George N. Gibson, Certified Crisis Interventionist and Information & Referral (I & R) Specialist, (786) 488-2108 or [email protected].
HIV/AIDS, Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD’S), Tuberculosis (TB), And Sexual Minority Issues (GLBTQ+ Issues) Faith-Based Calendar Set Free Ministries through Jesus Christ of the Apostolic Faith Church, Inc. Flashlight of Hope, Inc. Elder George N. Gibson, Founder, Pastor, Chaplain, and CEO: (786) 488-2108 (Mobile) / E-Mail: [email protected] or [email protected]. (Updated April 28, 2023)
Black Community Mental Wellness Peer Support Group

Every Thursday: Join NAMI Miami-Dade for their Black Community Mental Wellness Peer Support Group meeting every Thursday of the month from 7PM to 8:30PM via Zoom. See attached for more information. Click here to register*.
Men’s Support Group

PPN Men’s Support Group at Pridelines. Every 4th Saturday. Dating, Disclosure, Family, Nutrition, Love, Life, Sex and More!
Call Harold at (786) 488-1153.
Connect with Positive People Network via Social Media
- Facebook:@positivepeoplenetwork1
- Twitter @pozpeoplenet
- Instagram @pozpeoplenetwork
- YouTube
Sisters with a Testimony Stop the Silence Ambassadors Speakers Group

STS S.W.A.T. at Pridelines. Every 4th Saturday – Sisters with a Testimony Stop the Silence Ambassadors Speakers Group – supported by ViiV Healthcare. Paid opportunity! Click here for details.
Call (305) 521-7966 for more information.
Connect with Positive People Network via Social Media
- Facebook:@positivepeoplenetwork1
- Twitter @pozpeoplenet
- Instagram @pozpeoplenetwork
- YouTube
Support Group for Men! “I got you, brother!”

PPN support group for men! Thursdays via Zoom. “I got you, brother!”
Call Harold at (786) 488-1153.
Connect with Positive People Network via Social Media
- Facebook:@positivepeoplenetwork1
- Twitter @pozpeoplenet
- Instagram @pozpeoplenetwork
- YouTube
Support Group for Women! “I am my sister’s keeper.”

PPN support group for women! Tuesdays via Zoom. “I am my sister’s keeper.”
Contact Alecia at [email protected] or (305) 494-4538.
Connect with Positive People Network via Social Media
- Facebook:@positivepeoplenetwork1
- Twitter @pozpeoplenet
- Instagram @pozpeoplenetwork
- YouTube
El grupo de apoya para hispanohablantes
Apoyo y Comunidad para Personas Viviendo con VIH

Apoyo y Comunidad para Personas Viviendo con VIH Temas muy interesantes para mantenerte informado, tales como nuevos tratamientos, nutrición, efectos secundarios, y otros mas. Todos los Martes para la comunidad hispanoparlante. De 1-2:30 PM
Support Group for Bilingual Women
Support group for bilingual women* meets on the last Friday of Each month 12-1:30 PM.
Together We Thrive – Gay & Bi Men’s Roundtable

Together We Thrive – Gay & Bi Men’s Roundtable A group for gay and bisexual men living with HIV who are seeking community, education, and support. This is a safe, affirming, and confidential space intended to help members thrive. Weekly meetings are being held in person on Tue. from 6:30-8 PM
Free Counseling Services

To register and attend, participants must call Jessica Montejo at (786) 275-4364; (786) 334-6992; or (305) 603-9876.
Support Group for Latino Transgender Community in Spanish
Support group for the Latino transgender community in Spanish. This group takes place the last Thursday of every month.
To register and attend, participants must call Jessica Montejo at (786) 275-4364; (786) 334-6992; or (305) 603-9876.
Support Group for LGBTQI Community in Spanish
Support Group for LGBTQI community in Spanish. This group takes place the third Thursday of every month.
To register and attend, participants must call Jessica Montejo at (786) 275-4364; (786) 334-6992; or (305) 603-9876.
Support Group for Victims/Survivors of Domestic and Sexual Violence in Spanish
Support Group for victims/survivors of domestic and sexual violence in Spanish. This group takes place the second Thursday of every month.
To register and attend, participants must call Jessica Montejo at (786) 275-4364; (786) 334-6992; or (305) 603-9876.
Las sesiones Group Quit de Tobacco Free Florida

Tobacco Free Florida’s Group Quit Sessions (in-person or virtual) now offer participants $50 – $125 in gift cards for their attendance. Free, expert-led in-person or virtual sessions for all Florida residents, regardless of insurance status. Upon class completion, participants are eligible to receive free nicotine replacement therapy such as gum, patches or lozenges.
Tobacco Free Florida’s Group Quit Sessions

Tobacco Free Florida’s Group Quit Sessions (in-person or virtual) now offer participants $50 – $125 in gift cards for their attendance. Free, expert-led in-person or virtual sessions for all Florida residents, regardless of insurance status. Upon class completion, participants are eligible to receive free nicotine replacement therapy such as gum, patches or lozenges.
Return to Top of Support Groups
Surveys and Studies
Paid Research: LaGrippe Research Hepatitis C Study
If you are interested, please fill out our preliminary questions online here:*
If you have any questions, please contact Maggie | 847-373-4104 | [email protected]
Paid Research: South Florida HIV Test Counselors!

The JUNTOS study is looking for HIV test counselors to help us evaluate different tools for finding HIV prevention/treatment and other kinds of health services in South Florida! Participation is fully online and consists of 3 surveys each about one hour in length. Those who are eligible and participate in the full study will receive up to $150 and gain access to a tool intended to support HIV test counselors in their work. Use this link:* or scan our QR code to complete a brief survey that will help us determine if you are eligible to participate. For additional details or questions, please contact us at [email protected] or (786) 401-2846.
State of HIV Care™ National Survey
Results from this survey will help us better understand the current landscape of HIV care so we can continue creating relevant advocacy, education, research, and training activities for healthcare professionals involved in HIV prevention and care.
Sixth Annual State Of HIV Care National Survey: 2024 (*
Infant Feeding and HIV Survey 2024 - The Well Project
Building Equity, Ethics, and Education on Breastfeeding and HIV
The Well Project* is a non-profit organization whose mission is to change the course of the HIV/AIDS pandemic through a unique and comprehensive focus on women and girls across the gender spectrum. The Well Project envisions a world in which women living with or vulnerable to HIV have the information, support, and tools they need to advocate for their health and well-being, and live free from stigma.
We invite you to participate in this brief survey to help us understand your current knowledge, awareness, and attitudes towards breast/chestfeeding and HIV. This survey is intended for all members of the HIV community including people living with HIV and their allies, healthcare providers and other professionals who work with people living with HIV. All survey responses are anonymous and confidential.
Thank you very much in advance for taking our survey and helping us better address the needs of our community!
INSTACARE - It’s time to start living positively!
Merck Treatment Naïve Study
- AHF South Beach; contact: Emily Ruiz, (305) 538-1400 Ext 52520; Miami Beach, FL
- AHF The Kinder Medical Group, contact: Alexander Ruiz, (786) 497-4000; Miami, FL
- Triple O Research Institute, P.A; contact: Myriam Izquierdo, (561) 855-7871; West Palm Beach, FL
- CAN Community Health – Sarasota; contact: Prerak Shukla, (941) 366-0134 x11140; Sarasota, FL
UF Study ~ FIESTA ~ To Improve PrEP Use Among Latino MSM

University of Florida is conducting a study called FIESTA which aims to improve PrEP use among Latino MSM. Participants will be incentivized. See flyers for full details. Contact (787) 547-5536 or [email protected]. Attached flyers are in English and Spanish.
UM Health Study: Looking for Hispanic adolescents to participate in a short online program
SmartManage/CLaRO - Pilot program study to evaluate a new, web-based program among gay men who are living with both HIV and cancer
SmartManage - An Online Stress Management Intervention to Improve Quality of Life for Gay and Bisexual Cancer Survivors Living with HIV

Elevate your well-being and join our groundbreaking research study! 💪 We’re on a mission to empower men who identify as gay, or bisexual, and are cancer survivors living with HIV. 🌈🌟
🤔 Ever wanted to explore effective stress management strategies tailored just for you? Look no further!
🌐 Dive into 10 interactive online sessions (90 mins each) where we’ll discuss coping tactics, healthy living, and share the strength of our community. 🗣️💬
💰 Your voice matters, and so does your time! As a thank you, participants receive compensation of up to $150. 🌈💸
Ready to thrive? Click the link to embark on this transformative journey with us!
#ResilienceRevolution #StressFreeLiving #LGBTQHealth #SurvivorStrong 💙🏳️🌈
UF Study ~ FIESTA ~ To Improve PrEP Use Among Latino MSM

University of Florida is conducting a study called FIESTA which aims to improve PrEP use among Latino MSM. Participants will be incentivized. See flyers for full details. Contact (787) 547-5536 or [email protected]. Attached flyers are in English and Spanish.
UM Health Study - Hispanic Adolescents
Do you identify as transgender and/or non-binary and live in the state of Florida? We want to hear from you!
LGBTQ+ Needs Assessment Survey
MACS/WIHS-CSS - Multicenter AIDS Cohort Study / Women’s Interagency HIV Study Combined Cohort Study for Men and Women with HIV
What is the MACS/WIHS CCS study? The MACS/WIHS CCS is the largest study of men and women with HIV in the US. Over 8000 men and women with HIV participate in the country, and many have participated for over 20 years. As many men and women are living longer with HIV, they now are affected but other health conditions (heart diseases, cancers, pulmonary disease, memory loss).
This study focuses on understanding how people with HIV age, and how they are affected by other chronic diseases. In Miami, we have women who have been part of this study (The WIHS or Women Interagency HIV Study) for the past 10 years, and now we also have men participating. Men and women come for one visit per year and they complete questionnaires, have a physical examination, and other tests (memory, heart, lungs). Findings from this study will help to improve the health of people living with HIV who are aging.
SmartManage/CLaRO - Pilot program study to evaluate a new, web-based program among gay men who are living with both HIV and cancer

This program involves learning skills to help in managing HIV and cancer though interactive online groups. Individuals who are eligible and would like to participate will:
- Complete a baseline questionnaire about personal background, health history, stress, mood, and quality of life.
- Take part in the program, which meets online via Zoom once a week for 10 weeks for about an hour (participants will have access to the new website).
- Complete an exit questionnaire about quality of life, stress, mood, and experience navigating the SmartManage website.
- Individuals will be able to participate from the comfort of their home. They will also be eligible to receive a total of $150 for the time and feedback.
SmartManage - An Online Stress Management Intervention to Improve Quality of Life for Gay and Bisexual Cancer Survivors Living with HIV

Elevate your well-being and join our groundbreaking research study! 💪 We’re on a mission to empower men who identify as gay, or bisexual, and are cancer survivors living with HIV. 🌈🌟
🤔 Ever wanted to explore effective stress management strategies tailored just for you? Look no further!
🌐 Dive into 10 interactive online sessions (90 mins each) where we’ll discuss coping tactics, healthy living, and share the strength of our community. 🗣️💬
💰 Your voice matters, and so does your time! As a thank you, participants receive compensation of up to $150. 🌈💸
Ready to thrive? Click the link to embark on this transformative journey with us!
#ResilienceRevolution #StressFreeLiving #LGBTQHealth #SurvivorStrong 💙🏳️🌈
The PRIDE Study. Your Story. Your Health.
Catalyst for Black Women ~ Long-Acting Antiretroviral Therapy (LA ART) for Cis-gender Black Women Living with HIV (CgBWH) in the South

The aim of this study is to inform ongoing implementation and scale-up efforts to improve the uptake and persistence of Long-Acting Antiretroviral Therapy (LA ART) for Cis-gender Black Women Living with HIV (CgBWH) in the South. This study is recruiting medical and social service providers who are ≥18 years of age and serve CgBWH in the South. If selected, you will participate in a one-time ~45-60 minute virtual in-depth interview and be compensated with a $50 virtual gift card.
Black Women and HIV: Community Survey
Black women have higher rates of HIV and sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and lower rates of testing and PrEP use (medication to prevent HIV infection), with poor health outcomes compared to non-Black women.
The Empower project is conducting a community survey on contributing factors to health disparities among Black women. These factors include homelessness, domestic violence, medical mistreatment, and insurance gaps as they relate to Black women’s health.
This survey is open to people who identify as Black women (cisgender and transgender). The survey is anonymous and no identifying information will be collected when answering the survey. Survey results may be used in future publications, and your insights will aid in planning project education and other activities.
To take the survey, please click here*
UF HIV Study - Women with HIV
Florida State University is interviewing women living with HIV and using substances in Florida to understand their sexual and reproductive health concerns.
There is a $50 Amazon gift card after completion of an interview. Anyone who is interested may email or call – the information is on the flyer.
MACS/WIHS-CSS - The Multicenter AIDS Cohort Study / Women’s Interagency HIV Study Combined Cohort Study for Men and Women with HIV

This study focuses on understanding how people with HIV age, and how they are affected by other chronic diseases. In Miami, we have women who have been part of this study (The WIHS or Women Interagency HIV Study) for the past 10 years, and now we also have men participating. Men and women come for one visit per year and they complete questionnaires, have a physical examination, and other tests (memory, heart, lungs). Findings from this study will help to improve the health of people living with HIV who are aging.
The WHIMS Study – Women, HIV, Immunology, Microbiome, and Sexual Health

If those are negative, then a gynecological exam will be conducted for BV. If enrolled we will collect blood, urine, vaginal samples for research purposes and test for sexually transmitted infections (Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, Trichomoniasis). Metronidazole will be prescribed for 1 week for BV positive women. Participants will complete up to 3 visits over 6 months. Each visit will be 2.5 hours and is compensated $100. Click here for printable flyers in English and Spanish.
STAR Cohort for women 18-45 years of age

These are the cities with highest number of women living with HIV in the country. In this study, women who participate complete questionnaires that will help us understand how having HIV affect their life experiences (including mental health, depression, stigma), and we also focus on other aspects not usually included in HIV studies (oral health, and reproductive health). Women who are interested complete a questionnaire come for an in-person visit, and then once a year. We are looking forward to recruit 450 women in Miami. Findings from this study will help to improve the health of young women with HIV.
How can I contact the studies? Give us a call at 305-243-2188 or 305-243-2591, call or text 786 393 3665, or email [email protected]. We have a research unit located at the University of Miami Medical campus and we conduct research in infectious diseases. If you don’t qualify for any of our studies, we can refer you to others that may interest you.
Infant Feeding and HIV Survey 2024 - The Well Project
Building Equity, Ethics, and Education on Breastfeeding and HIV.
The Well Project* is a non-profit organization whose mission is to change the course of the HIV/AIDS pandemic through a unique and comprehensive focus on women and girls across the gender spectrum. The Well Project envisions a world in which women living with or vulnerable to HIV have the information, support, and tools they need to advocate for their health and well-being, and live free from stigma.
We invite you to participate in this brief survey to help us understand your current knowledge, awareness, and attitudes towards breast/chestfeeding and HIV. This survey is intended for all members of the HIV community including people living with HIV and their allies, healthcare providers and other professionals who work with people living with HIV. All survey responses are anonymous and confidential.
Thank you very much in advance for taking our survey and helping us better address the needs of our community!
Barriers and Facilitators to Expanding PrEP Coverage in Southern Ending the HIV Epidemic States and Jurisdictions
PURPOSE 2: A clinical study to evaluate if Lenacapavir (LEN), an investigational medicine, given every 6 months can help to reduce the chance of getting HIV through sex (PrEP)
Hepatitis Delta (HDV) – Online Panel
- 💻Methodology: Online questionnaire/Community
- ⏰ Duration: 1 hour per month for 6 months
- 📅 Dates: 6 months from signing up
- 💲 Participant compensation: $125 each month completed
- If you are interested in participation, please fill out our survey online here:*
- If you have any questions, please contact Maggie at (847) 373-4104 or email [email protected].
HepVu 2022 Surveillance Status Report Briefing
Watch the recording and hear from HepVu Project Director Dr. Heather Bradley, NASTAD’s Boatemaa Ntiri-Reid, and the Hepatitis B Foundation’s Frank Hood on how to use this data in your work.
You can also use the HepVu viral hepatitis surveillance status report launch toolkit* containing sample social media, infographics, and other resources to share this report.
ACTION 3 Study - For people 18 or older who have recently tested positive for COVID-19

The purpose of this study is to evaluate symptoms and other factors that affect people who have a COVID (SARS-CoV-2 infection or COVID-19) diagnosis. We will evaluate what happens to participants (with or without HIV infection) when they get infected with this virus, how long the virus remains in the body, how the immune system (your body) responds to this virus, and how the virus changes during the infection.
Recursos En Español
Facing HIV Health Disparities in Latino Communities
By: Ranier Simons, ADAP Blog Guest Contributor
While overall HIV rates in the United States have been in decline, HIV is still a present and impactful issue. This is especially true for communities that experience a higher impact of HIV-related health disparities. One of these groups is the Latino community. The Latino community is second to the Black community about bearing the HIV burden. Several challenges converge in maintaining HIV’s disproportionate impact on the Latino community, including racism, stigma, language barriers, and access. In recently reported data for 2022 by the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) the Latino community was about 18 percent of the U.S. population, but represented 33 percent of new HIV diagnoses.
REACH Equity Team at University of Miami looking for CAB Members
Being on the Community Advisory Board allows for you to represent the Miami Latino MSM community and give input and insight on different aspects of our research projects, as well as helping in designing studies and procedures for our projects.
We are looking for Latino gay, bisexual, and other MSM for this role.
This is a great opportunity to make sure the Latino MSM community is represented in our research projects!
The role is compensated $50 monthly for your input, and if interested, please reach out to Brandon Quiroz ([email protected]) or Yareli Sosa ([email protected]) for more information.
¡Nuevo! Folletos de referencia rápida de la Guía de Capacitación en español!
¡Nuevo! Folletos de referencia rápida de la Guía de Capacitación en español* ¡A Planning CHATT le complace anunciar que ahora pueden descargarse las versiones en idioma español de nuestros folletos de referencia rápida! Estos folletos brindan información fundamental, consejos y prácticas apropiadas en relación con una amplia variedad de temas de planificación de VIH y actividades de los consejos de planificación/órganos de planificación (PC/PB, por sus siglas en inglés).
Los folletos de referencia rápida pueden encontrarse en la página web “Recursos de Planning CHATT en español”* disponible en, y dentro de los diez módulos de la Guía de Capacitación para los consejos de planificación/órganos de planificación de la Parte A del Programa Ryan White contra el VIH/SIDA* (RWHAP, por sus siglas en inglés).
Centro de información de confianza que puede usar para mejorar su experiencia con la telesalud.
La telesalud —a veces llamada telemedicina— le permite ver al profesional de la salud sin tener que ir al consultorio. Puede asistir a una teleconsulta en línea usando una computadora, una tableta o un teléfono inteligente
Webinars and Training
March 18 - Application Deadline for Addressing Stigma to End the HIV Epidemic in the U.S.- Technical Assistance Webinar
Upcoming Technical Assistance Webinar: Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program (RWHAP) Addressing Stigma to End the HIV Epidemic in the U.S. (HRSA-25-060)– Webinar March 6 and Application Deadline March 18
HRSA’s HIV/AIDS Bureau recently published a notice of funding opportunity (NOFO) for the “Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Addressing Stigma to End the HIV Epidemic in the U.S.” This funding opportunity aims to increase access to stigma-free, high-quality care, treatment, and prevention services for people who have yet to be successfully maintained in HIV care and those who experience higher rates of HIV in the U.S. HRSA intends funding under this program to support one recipient to serve as the Implementation, Capacity, and Evaluation Provider who will deliver training and work with demonstration sites (subrecipients) to use an implementation science approach to adapt, implement, evaluate, and disseminate anti-stigma interventions that address different causes of stigma. A NOFO technical assistance webinar will take place on March 6, at 1:00 PM ET. Applications are due on March 18, 2025.
Register to participate in the NOFO TA webinar.
Learn more about HRSA-25-060 and apply.
March HAB You Heard Webinar – March 27 @ 3 PM ET
Mark Your Calendar: March HAB You Heard Webinar – March 27 @ 3 PM ET
Please join HRSA’s HIV/AIDS Bureau (HAB) for our March HAB You Heard Webinar on Thursday, March 27, from 3:00 – 4:00 PM ET. The HAB You Heard webinar is open to all Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program and HAB Ending the HIV Epidemic in the U.S. (EHE) recipients, subrecipients, stakeholders, and federal staff. Registration is required to participate.
Register to participate.
Ongoing Programs and Archived Presentations
University of Washington Infectious Diseases Education & Assessment (IDEA) Program - New Podcasts and Mini Lectures
National HIV Curriculum
- NEW National HIV Curriculum Podcast episodes explore practice-changing issues and updates in HIV diagnosis, management, and prevention through case discussions, expert interviews, and literature reviews:
- Switching ART Regimens: A Discussion – Expert Interview
- Disseminated MAC: Evaluation and Management – Case Discussion
- Initial ART Regimens Considerations: A Discussion – Expert Interview
- Implementation of the New HHS Anal Cancer Screening Guidelines – Expert Interview
- Pneumocystis Pneumonia: Management – Case Discussion
- The ANCHOR Study: Does Treatment of Anal HSIL Prevent Anal Cancer? – Literature Review
National HIV PrEP Curriculum
- New Clinician’s Information Guide: Doxy PEP for STI Prevention helps health care professionals implement CDC’s June 2024 guidelines on the use of doxycycline postexposure prophylaxis (doxy PEP).
National STD Curriculum
- NEW National STD Curriculum Podcast episodes explore innovative and significant STD issues and discuss the clinical implications through conference summaries, expert interviews, and literature reviews:
- Syphilis: Immune Response & Vaccine Development – Expert Interview
- IDWeek 2024: Mpox Updates – Conference Summary
- Syphilis: A 2024 Update – Literature Review
- Antimicrobial Resistance in STI Pathogens – Expert Interview
- STI Diagnostic Testing Options & Implementation – Expert Interview
- New Clinician’s Information Guide: Doxy PEP for STI Prevention helps health care professionals implement CDC’s June 2024 guidelines on the use of doxycycline postexposure prophylaxis (doxy PEP).
Hepatitis C Online
- NEW Hepatitis C Online Mini-Lectures where national experts discuss clinically relevant topics:
Posted March 7, 2025
HealthHIV HIV Prevention Certified Provider (HIVPCP)™ Certification Program
The One and Only Certification of the HIV Prevention Workforce!
HealthHIV HIV PrEP Navigation Certification Program – HealthHIV *
The HealthHIV HIV PrEP Navigation Certification (HIVPNC) Program is the only certification program offered to providers and allied health professionals focused on preparing providers to guide community members in their use of PrEP over time. HIVPNC is designed to support and empower both clinical and non-clinical providers in providing inclusive, affirming PrEP navigation services backed by current data and clinical best practices. By receiving HealthHIV’s HIV PrEP Navigation Certification, providers will demonstrate their commitment to assisting patients in: identifying the most appropriate PrEP options for them; gaining access to PrEP medications, care and monitoring; remaining adherent in their PrEP use; and, navigating changes in their lives that may require changes in their PrEP care.
“Upon successful completion of all modules in this program, participants earn their HIV PrEP Navigation Certification (HIVPNC) and receive a listing in the national online directory of HIVPNCs.”
Examining Housing Instability and Care Outcomes among Women Living with HIV
HealthHIV - HIV Treatment Innovation Certificate Program - Earn up to 5 CME Credit Hours - Free!
All modules are certified and participants can earn up to 5 Credits/Contact Hours (CME, MOC, NCPD, CPE, AAPA) for completion of the certificate.
Target Audience: This activity is intended for HIV care providers, primary care providers and general practitioners (includes MD/DO, NP, PA), nurses, pharmacists, patients/caregivers, and other professionals involved in the care of patients with HIV.
Media: Enduring Material
Release date: October 31, 2023
Expiration date: October 30, 2024
Time to complete: approx. 60 minutes per module
HealthHIV - HIV PrEP Navigation Certification Program - CME Credit Hours!
The only certification program offered to providers and allied health professionals focused on preparing providers to guide community members in their use of PrEP over time.
HIVPNC is designed to support and empower both clinical and non-clinical providers in providing inclusive, affirming PrEP navigation services backed by current data and clinical best practices.
By receiving HealthHIV’s HIV PrEP Navigation Certification, providers will demonstrate their commitment to assisting patients in: identifying the most appropriate PrEP options for them; gaining access to PrEP medications, care and monitoring; remaining adherent in their PrEP use; and, navigating changes in their lives that may require changes in their PrEP care.
Program Overview
- Module 1: Introduction to PrEP
- Module 2: PrEP Science
- Module 3: Client-Centered Navigation Practices
- Module 4: Getting to Know Your Clients
- Module 5: Paying for PrEP
- Module 6: Linkage to PrEP Care
- Module 7: Starting and Keeping Up with PrEP
- Module 8: Self-Care and Healthy Teams
Miami-Dade County Ryan White Program Monthly Research Symposium
Lessons learned about access to HIV care at the height of the COVID-19 Pandemic (June 22, 2022)
Challenges Experienced by Ryan White Program Clients During COVID (July 20, 2022)
Effective Women Centered Care Practices from Ryan White Program Client and Provider Perspectives (August 31, 2022)
Barriers to Adherence and Retention in HIV Care Among Women (September 21, 2022)
Office of Women's Health Webinars
2023 OWH Recorded Webinars:
- Preventing Gender-Based and Intimate Partner Violence
- Overview of the 2023-2025 HRSA Strategy to Address IPV
- New Resources to Improve Cervical Cancer Prevention, Screening, and Management
- Connecting Women to Healthcare through HRSA’s Programs
Women, Families and Students
Black Women and HIV: Empowerment through Engagement, Education, and Enrichment
Women-Centered HIV Care Practices That Facilitate Antiretroviral Therapy Adherence and Viral Suppression - November 2024 Presentation by Dr. Mary Jo Trepka

Click to download the complete presentation. Contact [email protected] to join the Partnership’s distribution list for future events.
Targeted Outreach for Pregnant Women Act (TOPWA)
Enroll Today! One of the many benefits of enrolling in the program are the baby showers hosted by TOPWA!
TOPWA Borinquen Medical Centers Facebook Page* We are all currently facing challenging times with the current pandemic. In efforts to still provide our TOPWA services to patients in need, we invite you to please share our current Facebook page to patients that can benefit from it. On the page, we are sharing information on local events, food drives, and COVID-19. In addition we will be having a virtual baby shower and raffling baby items. We want this Facebook page to bring new and existing moms a shine of hope during this pandemic.
Abuse Hotline (DCF)
The Florida Abuse Hotline accepts reports 24 hours a day and 7 days a week of known or suspected child abuse, neglect, or abandonment and reports of known or suspected abuse, neglect, or exploitation of a vulnerable adult. If you suspect or know of a child or adult that is in immediate danger, call 911
Domestic Violence Prevention Hotline: 800-799-7233 or 800-787-3224 (TTY)
Violence Prevention: Violence is an urgent public health problem. From infants to the elderly, it affects people in all stages of life and can lead to a lifetime of physical, emotional, and economic problems. CDC is committed to preventing violence so that everyone can be safe and healthy.
Ashley’s Story - An Informed Journey Toward Breastfeeding
Local HIV community advocate, Miami-Dade HIV/AIDS Partnership committee member, and “I am a Work of ART” campaign creative partner shares her journey with
For Us, By Us – OIDP’s New Initiative Will Address Unique Needs of Black Women in the HIV Response
In solidarity with the theme of the 2023 US Conference on HIV/AIDS, “A Love Letter to Black Women,” the HHS Office of Infectious Disease and HIV/AIDS Policy (OIDP), led by its Director, Kaye Hayes, MPA, is creating a nationally coordinated, community-driven initiative to improve the lives and well-being of Black women of both cis and trans experience in America and further explore ending the scourge of the HIV epidemic among the community. spoke with the initiative’s co-leads to better understand its impetus and to discuss a recent community meeting in Houston, Texas to enhance the collective ability to address Black women’s unique needs in the HIV response. . .
Notifying the Health Department of HIV Positive Pregnant Women
It is necessary for Miami-Dade County Health Department to be notified as soon as a pregnant woman’s HIV status is determined in order to ensure and help facilitate the coordination of her care. It is understood that your facility may be able to provide care to HIV infected women during pregnancy. However, it is the suggestion of the Department of Health and Miami-Dade County Health Department that all pregnant women in Miami-Dade County that are diagnosed with HIV receive specialized care through the UM PRIMM clinic (Perinatal Immunology) located at 1490 NW 10 Street, Miami, FL. There is also a suggestion for the HIV positive pregnant woman to receive TOPWA services (Targeted Outreach for Pregnant Women Act) through Borinquen Health Care.
Click here for details on Notifying the Health Department of HIV Positive Pregnant Women
Click here for the High Risk Pregnancy Notification Form
Click here* for the FDOH TOPWA webpage
Click here* for AIDSinfo Updated Fact Sheet: Preventing Mother-to-Child Transmission of HIV
Infant Feeding and HIV Survey 2024 - The Well Project
Building Equity, Ethics, and Education on Breastfeeding and HIV
The Well Project* is a non-profit organization whose mission is to change the course of the HIV/AIDS pandemic through a unique and comprehensive focus on women and girls across the gender spectrum. The Well Project envisions a world in which women living with or vulnerable to HIV have the information, support, and tools they need to advocate for their health and well-being, and live free from stigma.
We invite you to participate in this brief survey to help us understand your current knowledge, awareness, and attitudes towards breast/chestfeeding and HIV. This survey is intended for all members of the HIV community including people living with HIV and their allies, healthcare providers and other professionals who work with people living with HIV. All survey responses are anonymous and confidential.
Thank you very much in advance for taking our survey and helping us better address the needs of our community!
Women Like Us – Aging Positively (The Well Project)
Women Like Us – Aging Positively focuses on increasing overall health and wellness among women aging with HIV by increasing social connectedness and access to relevant health information. This program aims to expand access to health information that centers the needs of women aging with HIV, improve patient-provider interactions and relationships, and decrease isolation. It also works to provide opportunities for women to connect with each other through The Well Project’s network, build health literacy, and expand leadership and capacity building among women aging with HIV. Follow on Facebook*
HIV: Protecting the Health of All Women (
Though we have made tremendous progress in protecting the health of women and girls from HIV, they are still significantly impacted and continue to face challenges and barriers in accessing care, and disparities in outcomes . . .
CDC’s #ShesWell Initiative Aims to Increase PrEP Awareness among Women and Their Healthcare Providers
CDC’s Let’s Stop HIV Together (Together)* campaign recently launched a new initiative called #ShesWell*, which is focused on increasing awareness about Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP)* among women, building capacity among clinicians to prescribe PrEP to women who can benefit from it, and ultimately increasing PrEP use among women. The #ShesWell initiative initially launched in June 2021 in four Ending the HIV Epidemic in the U.S. (EHE)* jurisdictions: Tampa/St. Petersburg, FL; Orlando, FL; Fort Worth, TX; and Columbus, OH.
Domestic Violence Prevention Hotline: 800-799-7233 or 800-787-3224 (TTY)
Violence Prevention: Violence is an urgent public health problem. From infants to the elderly, it affects people in all stages of life and can lead to a lifetime of physical, emotional, and economic problems. CDC is committed to preventing violence so that everyone can be safe and healthy.
Abuse Hotline (DCF)
The Florida Abuse Hotline accepts reports 24 hours a day and 7 days a week of known or suspected child abuse, neglect, or abandonment and reports of known or suspected abuse, neglect, or exploitation of a vulnerable adult. If you suspect or know of a child or adult that is in immediate danger, call 911
Florida Department of Children and Families (DCF)
Find benefits and services in the state of Florida for children, families, seniors and people with disabilities.
FEMA Resources for Helping Children Cope After a Disaster
Scale It Up (SIU) Florida - A youth-focused, community-based research consortium focused on promoting health equity among underserved youth populations in Florida
- Peer Navigation to Stable Housing and Other Support Services*
- Scale It Up Florida – Ethical Issues in Engaging Lost to Follow Up Youth In HIV Care and Research This Florida State University study aims to understand the perceptions of cultural and ethical issues in keeping youth in HIV care and engaging them in HIV research. This is an ongoing study and we are still seeking professional stakeholder participants.
Contact [email protected] for more information.
Raising Awareness about HIV in College and Supporting College Students with HIV
Featuring; Statistics about young people in the US, who are living with HIV and AIDS; HIV College Students’ Challenges and Rights; Scholarships and grants for students with HIV and AIDS; List of HIV Resources, Organizations & Advocacy Groups; and more.
Miami-Dade County CAHSD Head Start/Early Head Start Program
All Head Start / Early Head Start centers are open and providing in-person and virtual services to meet the needs of individual families.
- Head Start and Early Head Start services are provided at no cost to families who qualify.
- Early Head Start serves children from birth until they are 3 years old, as well as expectant mothers.
- Head Start serves children who are 3 to 4 years old by September 1, or no older than 5 years old after September 1.
- Head Start services are for families living in Miami-Dade County only.
Human Trafficking
National Human Trafficking Hotline
National Human Trafficking Hotline Website*
- Call the National Human Trafficking Hotline: 1-888-373-7888
- Find local services and providers: Find Local Services | National Human Trafficking Hotline*
If you or someone you know is in immediate danger, please call 911.
Human trafficking is a situation in which an individual is compelled to work or engage in commercial sex through the use of force, fraud or coercion. If the individual is under the age of 18 and engaging in commercial sex they are experiencing trafficking regardless of whether force, fraud, or coercion is also taking place.
If you believe you may have information about a trafficking situation:
- Call the National Human Trafficking Hotline toll-free hotline at 1-888-373-7888: Anti-Trafficking Hotline Advocates are available 24/7 to take reports of potential human trafficking.
- Text the National Human Trafficking Hotline at 233733. Message and data rates may apply.
- Chat the National Human Trafficking Hotline via*.
- Submit a tip online through the anonymous online reporting form below. However, please note that if the situation is urgent or occurred within the last 24 hours we would encourage you to call, text or chat.
- Interpreters are available via phone call only.
Newsletter and Submissions
The Partnership’s Community Newsletter, News and Information for the HIV/AIDS Community of Miami-Dade County, is a bi-weekly email newsletter to more than 1,500 community members.
Important – Please Read!
★ Contributions are reviewed for content prior to posting.
★ All items listed in the Newsletter are linked to and/or the Partnership’s social media accounts. Contributions are formatted to fit the website, Community Newsletter, and/or social media layouts.
★ Please send contributions no later than 12:00 Noon on Thursday for inclusion in that week’s Community Newsletter (or Community Newsletter Brief).
★ Please submit flyers in PDF format.
★ Time-sensitive items may be posted on the Partnership Instagram and/or Facebook pages, in lieu of or in addition to Community Newsletter/ posting.
★ Items will be included in the Community Newsletter until the end date, if indicated, or as space allows. Items may remain on AIDSNET for longer, as appropriate.
★ Persons who submit items for Community Newsletter will be added to our listserv.
★ Send all contributions and questions to [email protected].
What You Can Submit to the Newsletter and
You are invited to submit contributions relevant to the HIV/AIDS and Ryan White Program Community in any of these categories:
- Support Groups
- Información en español
- Resources for the LGB Community
- Housing News and Resources
- Local Training
- Webinars
- Grant Opportunities
- Jobs and Volunteer Opportunities
- Research and Surveys
- Prevention News and Resources
- Ending the HIV Epidemic
- Community Events
- COVID-19 Resources
- Free Services
- Press Releases
- Websites of Interest
- Notices of agency fundraisers (no product/retail sales or promotions)
- Other items as appropriate
* This page includes links to Ryan White Program and non-Ryan White Program funded services. Please contact your Medical Case Manager with questions about Ryan White Program eligibility. By clicking links marked by an asterisk (*), you acknowledge you are leaving We are not responsible for the content on these web sites.
This project is supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) under the grant number H89HA00005, CFDA #93.914 – HIV Emergency Relief Project Grants, as part of a Fiscal Year 2024 award totaling $27,411,326 as of May 23, 2024, with 0% financed with non-governmental sources. The contents are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the official views of, nor an endorsement by, HRSA, HHS or the U.S. government.