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Quality Improvement Resources


This page includes links to Ryan White Program and non-Ryan White Program funded services. Please contact your Medical Case Manager with questions about Ryan White Program eligibility.

By clicking links marked by an asterisk (*), you acknowledge you are leaving We are not responsible for the content on these web sites.

  • CQII Training on Coaching Basics (TCB) Program* (TargetHIV)  A Facilitator Manual for those who participate in the Training on Coaching Basics (TCB) Program. Also for those who strive to lead activities to improve HIV care. It contains detailed descriptions of all pre-work activities and assignments. Also post-work activities and faculty notes for each module during the 3-day TCB session. With links to available quality improvement resources.
  • Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Compass Dashboard* (
    • Understand Outcomes, Demographics, and Performance
    • Explore Data on Priority Populations
    • RWHAP Services Received
    • RWHAP AIDS Drug Assistance Program (ADAP)
  • 15 Types of Regressions in Data Science* (
    • What is Regression Analysis?
    • Terminologies related to regression analysis
    • Types of Regression
    • How to choose the correct regression model?
  • Data-Driven Decision-Making: How To Make Smarter Decisions To Fuel Business Growth* (
    • B2B companies now have access to more data than ever before. But what happens to this data, do you let it degrade over time or are you using it to fuel business growth?
    • For companies that leverage data to drive decision-making, they gain a competitive advantage, reduce business costs and increase profit. But, how?
    • We explain what data-driven decision-making, what you can use it for and how it can positively impact your business. Plus, we share a five step process that you can use to create smarter business decisions.

For more information, please contact Susy Martinez, MSW, Quality Management Coordinator at Behavioral Science Research Corporation, [email protected].

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